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Constitutional / Charter of Rights:

Advocacy Groups:


  1. Electronic Frontier Canada (#780)
    Electronic Frontier Canada (EFC) was founded to ensure that the principles embodied in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms remain protected as new computing, communications, and information technologies are introduced into Canadian society.

  2. The Women's Legal Education and Action Fund (#3657)
    national non-profit organization working to promote equality for women and girls in Canada. Using the equality provisions from section 15 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms as a basis to advance women's rights, LEAF presents arguments, or intervenes, in cases where women's rights are at risk in Canadian courts.

British Columbia, Canada:

  1. West Coast Women's Legal Education and Action Fund (#3656)
    West Coast LEAF works to advance women's equality rights in Canada.

Articles/newsletters from others:


  1. Constitutions of Countries around the World (#946)


  1. A Chronicle of Freedom of Expression in Canada (#999)

  2. An Annotated Bibliography for Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms Research (#945)
    list of Canadian sources from which research on the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms can be conducted.

  3. Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (#3750)
    detailed guide published by the Human Rights Directorate of the Department of Canadian Heritage. ; contains actual text of each section of the Charter, along with a discussion of its meaning and purpose.

  4. Canadian Constitutional Documents (#995)
    comphrensive list (and text) of 30 constitutional acts of Canada since Confederation
    [Date: March, 1995]

  5. Canadian Constitutional Law (#1696)
    brief article

  6. Canadian Legal FAQs (#3764)
    general index page to a variety of topics; sponsored by the Alberta Law Foundation

  7. Charter of Rights and Freedoms FAQs (#3766)
    answers to a variety of frequently asked questions; sponsored by the Alberta Law Foundation

  8. Constitution of Canada FAQs (#3768)
    answers to a variety of frequently asked questions; sponsored by the Alberta Law Foundation

  9. Constitutional Law of Canada (#1019)
    contains general information on Canadian constitutional law and specific information on courses taught by Professor Joseph E. Magnet at the University of Ottawa

  10. Constitutions of Countries around the World (#946)

  11. Legal Updates (#3861)
    updates on a variety of topics

  12. The Supreme Court of Canada (#1717)
    brief article

Alberta, Canada:

  1. Canadian Legal FAQs (#3764)
    general index page to a variety of topics; sponsored by the Alberta Law Foundation

  2. Charter of Rights and Freedoms FAQs (#3766)
    answers to a variety of frequently asked questions; sponsored by the Alberta Law Foundation

  3. Constitution of Canada FAQs (#3768)
    answers to a variety of frequently asked questions; sponsored by the Alberta Law Foundation

Manitoba, Canada:

  1. Canadian Constitutional Documents (#995)
    comphrensive list (and text) of 30 constitutional acts of Canada since Confederation
    [Date: March, 1995]

New Brunswick, Canada:

  1. Canadian Constitutional Documents (#995)
    comphrensive list (and text) of 30 constitutional acts of Canada since Confederation
    [Date: March, 1995]

Newfoundland, Canada:

  1. Canadian Constitutional Documents (#995)
    comphrensive list (and text) of 30 constitutional acts of Canada since Confederation
    [Date: March, 1995]

Northwest Territories, Canada:

  1. Canadian Constitutional Documents (#995)
    comphrensive list (and text) of 30 constitutional acts of Canada since Confederation
    [Date: March, 1995]

Nova Scotia, Canada:

  1. Blupete's Essay on Liberty (#2531)
    by Peter Landry

  2. Canadian Constitutional Documents (#995)
    comphrensive list (and text) of 30 constitutional acts of Canada since Confederation
    [Date: March, 1995]


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