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(124 matches found)
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Articles/newsletters from law firms - Specific articles:


  1. Case Commentary: Eaton v. Brant County Board of Education (#2361)
    by: P. Diane McDowell (Rogers, Moore, Barristers & Solicitors)

  2. Registered Educational Savings Plans (RESP) (#2397)
    from Rotfleisch & Samulovitch [Date: March, 1998]

Ontario, Canada:

  1. Case Commentary: Eaton v. Brant County Board of Education (#2361)
    by: P. Diane McDowell (Rogers, Moore, Barristers & Solicitors)

  2. Registered Educational Savings Plans (RESP) (#2397)
    from Rotfleisch & Samulovitch [Date: March, 1998]

Articles/newsletters from law firms - index pages only:


  1. Executive TaxBreaks - articles from Deloitte & Touche (accountants) (#3873)
    index page; topics include: Your Will, Part and Parcel of Your Tax Planning ; Planned Giving for Charities ; Kiddies' Tax (No Kidding!) ; Could Uncle Sam Tax Your Estate? ; Last Call for RRSPs ; Segregated Funds ; Flow-through Shares - Gifts to Charities ; Pot Pourri ; 1998 Marginal Tax Rates ; Funding Post-secondary Education ; Income Splitting ; Flow-through Shares ; Reduce Income Taxes on Your Estate ; RRSP Update ; Need Money? Lend It to Yourself! ; New Seniors Benefit ; Probate Fees ; The More You Give, the More You Save ; Foreign Property Reporting ;Child Support; 1997 Marginal Tax Rates ; Royalty Trusts ; Provincial Taxation ; Registered Education Savings Plans (RESPs) ; Year-End Reminders ; Reducing the Costs of a Post-Secondary Education ; Ontario Tax Cuts ; Freezing RRSP Contributions ; 1996 Quebec Budget ; Prescribed Tax Rate

British Columbia, Canada:

  1. Publications from Campney & Murphy (#2549)
    various topics covered

Ontario, Canada:

  1. Articles from Flannery & Flannery (#1993)
    articles on a variety of topics

  2. Commentaries from Rogers, Moore (#2359)
    various articles

  3. Executive TaxBreaks - articles from Deloitte & Touche (accountants) (#3873)
    index page; topics include: Your Will, Part and Parcel of Your Tax Planning ; Planned Giving for Charities ; Kiddies' Tax (No Kidding!) ; Could Uncle Sam Tax Your Estate? ; Last Call for RRSPs ; Segregated Funds ; Flow-through Shares - Gifts to Charities ; Pot Pourri ; 1998 Marginal Tax Rates ; Funding Post-secondary Education ; Income Splitting ; Flow-through Shares ; Reduce Income Taxes on Your Estate ; RRSP Update ; Need Money? Lend It to Yourself! ; New Seniors Benefit ; Probate Fees ; The More You Give, the More You Save ; Foreign Property Reporting ;Child Support; 1997 Marginal Tax Rates ; Royalty Trusts ; Provincial Taxation ; Registered Education Savings Plans (RESPs) ; Year-End Reminders ; Reducing the Costs of a Post-Secondary Education ; Ontario Tax Cuts ; Freezing RRSP Contributions ; 1996 Quebec Budget ; Prescribed Tax Rate

Quebec, Canada:

  1. Executive TaxBreaks - articles from Deloitte & Touche (accountants) (#3873)
    index page; topics include: Your Will, Part and Parcel of Your Tax Planning ; Planned Giving for Charities ; Kiddies' Tax (No Kidding!) ; Could Uncle Sam Tax Your Estate? ; Last Call for RRSPs ; Segregated Funds ; Flow-through Shares - Gifts to Charities ; Pot Pourri ; 1998 Marginal Tax Rates ; Funding Post-secondary Education ; Income Splitting ; Flow-through Shares ; Reduce Income Taxes on Your Estate ; RRSP Update ; Need Money? Lend It to Yourself! ; New Seniors Benefit ; Probate Fees ; The More You Give, the More You Save ; Foreign Property Reporting ;Child Support; 1997 Marginal Tax Rates ; Royalty Trusts ; Provincial Taxation ; Registered Education Savings Plans (RESPs) ; Year-End Reminders ; Reducing the Costs of a Post-Secondary Education ; Ontario Tax Cuts ; Freezing RRSP Contributions ; 1996 Quebec Budget ; Prescribed Tax Rate

Articles/newsletters from others:

British Columbia, Canada:

  1. Children and the Law (#3602)
    detailed text from the Universtiy of British Columbia Law Students' Legal Advice Program (LSLAP); includes: (1) text, (2) legislation, (3) resources, (4) links

Ontario, Canada:

  1. Student loan repayment (#4614)
    from Legal Line (

Articling information for law students:


  1. LexisNexis® Quicklaw® (#191)
    pay $ site - QL has over 1000 searchable databases and bulletin boards of full text judgments from all court levels and many administrative tribunals in Canada, as well as full text databases of legislation, tax and news.

Book/magazine/newspaper publishers:


  1. Why Usually Honest People Steal (#4657)
    Dr. Will Cupchik, formerly Psychologist-in-Charge, Forensic OP Psyc Services, Clarke Institute Psychiatry, and now head of Theft Offender Intervention Program, has developed specific clinical assessment and treatment modalities. Author, Why Honest People Shoplift Or Commit Other Acts of Theft., provides articles, FAQs, book (online edition available summer 2001), contact, and referral info.

Ontario, Canada:

  1. Why Usually Honest People Steal (#4657)
    Dr. Will Cupchik, formerly Psychologist-in-Charge, Forensic OP Psyc Services, Clarke Institute Psychiatry, and now head of Theft Offender Intervention Program, has developed specific clinical assessment and treatment modalities. Author, Why Honest People Shoplift Or Commit Other Acts of Theft., provides articles, FAQs, book (online edition available summer 2001), contact, and referral info.

Caselaw (commentary/analysis/summary):


  1. Board Finding of School District Liability for Actions of Teacher Upheld (#3999)
    Ross v. New Brunswick School Dist. No. 15 (1996), 25 C.H.R.R. D/175 (S.C.C.) [Eng./Fr. 38 pp.] ; case summary from the Canadian Human Rights Reporter ; keyword: hate propaganda; Jewish ; anti-Semitic

  2. Case Commentary: Eaton v. Brant County Board of Education (#2361)
    by: P. Diane McDowell (Rogers, Moore, Barristers & Solicitors)

  3. Human Rights Act Applies to University (#4003)
    University of British Columbia v. Berg (1993), 18 C.H.R.R. D/310 (S.C.C.) [Eng./Fr. 29 pp.] ; case summary from the Canadian Human Rights Reporter

British Columbia, Canada:

  1. Human Rights Act Applies to University (#4003)
    University of British Columbia v. Berg (1993), 18 C.H.R.R. D/310 (S.C.C.) [Eng./Fr. 29 pp.] ; case summary from the Canadian Human Rights Reporter

New Brunswick, Canada:

  1. Board Finding of School District Liability for Actions of Teacher Upheld (#3999)
    Ross v. New Brunswick School Dist. No. 15 (1996), 25 C.H.R.R. D/175 (S.C.C.) [Eng./Fr. 38 pp.] ; case summary from the Canadian Human Rights Reporter ; keyword: hate propaganda; Jewish ; anti-Semitic

Ontario, Canada:

  1. Case Commentary: Eaton v. Brant County Board of Education (#2361)
    by: P. Diane McDowell (Rogers, Moore, Barristers & Solicitors)

Caselaw from courts and tribunals:


  1. LexisNexis® Quicklaw® (#191)
    pay $ site - QL has over 1000 searchable databases and bulletin boards of full text judgments from all court levels and many administrative tribunals in Canada, as well as full text databases of legislation, tax and news.



  1. Why Usually Honest People Steal (#4657)
    Dr. Will Cupchik, formerly Psychologist-in-Charge, Forensic OP Psyc Services, Clarke Institute Psychiatry, and now head of Theft Offender Intervention Program, has developed specific clinical assessment and treatment modalities. Author, Why Honest People Shoplift Or Commit Other Acts of Theft., provides articles, FAQs, book (online edition available summer 2001), contact, and referral info.

Ontario, Canada:

  1. Why Usually Honest People Steal (#4657)
    Dr. Will Cupchik, formerly Psychologist-in-Charge, Forensic OP Psyc Services, Clarke Institute Psychiatry, and now head of Theft Offender Intervention Program, has developed specific clinical assessment and treatment modalities. Author, Why Honest People Shoplift Or Commit Other Acts of Theft., provides articles, FAQs, book (online edition available summer 2001), contact, and referral info.

Continuing Legal Education:


  1. The Canadian Institute (#4669)
    The Canadian Institute is Canada's largest provider of professional development and continuing education programmes for senior business executives, lawyers & other professionals. Staffed by lawyers and other professionals, it operates as a "think tank", monitoring trends and developments in law, finance, the environment, insurance, financial services, energy, management, government, banking, health care and public policy and much more!


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