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(9 matches found)
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Family / Divorce / Custody / Adoption / Support & Law Firms/Lawyers & Quebec, Canada:

  1. A Basic Resume of principals relating to Quebec Family Law (#4649)
    A brief resume of basic principals relating to Quebec Family Law and the dedication towards the persual of excellence in the practice. Robert Teitelbaum, Attorney at Law.

  2. Anderson Sinclair (#5277)
    Anderson Sinclair is a law firm in with offices in Mississauga (Ontario), Montreal (Quebec), New Brunswick. Practice Areas: Residential Real Estate, Debt Recovery, Labour Relations & Employment Law, Litigation, Family Law, Wills, Powers of Attorney & Estates, Corporate & Commercial Law, Commercial Real Estate, Bankruptcy & Insolvency.

  3. Andrew H. Heft, Attorney - (#4628)
    this site will be of interest to anyone seeking information about the family law litigation process in Quebec, and provides a brief summary of the principal issues likely to be encountered including custody, support, property division, family patrimony, matrimonial regimes, and compensatory allowances. It also provides a detailed specimen retainer agreement which contains all of the information needed to understand how litigants in a family dispute can expect to be billed in various scenarios. Finally it provides my professional background and experience and request form for legal advice.

  4. Brownstein, Brownstein, and Associates (#3017)

  5. Chait Amyot (#3019)

  6. Lavery (#3045)
    An independent law firm, offering the full range of legal services to business. 175 lawyers in Montreal, Quebec City and Ottawa.

  7. Martineau Walker (#3260)

  8. McCarthy Tétrault (#2149)

  9. Paolo de Petris (#3655)
    lives in Montreal, Quebec -- available to offer legal consultations in the fields of Italian Law, as shown below: Civil Law ; Company Law ; Landed Estate ; European Community Law ; Family Law ; Industrial Law ; Labour Law ; Litigation ; keyword: Italy , Italian

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