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Immigration / citizenship / refugee:

Articles/newsletters from law firms - Specific articles:


  1. Canada Law Videos .com (#4749)
    Helping you understand Canadian law through video, books, links, forms, articles, and more.

  2. Canadian Immigration Handbook (#1153)
    detailed resource features information on Canadian immigration laws. From law firm of Chang & Boos

  3. Chang & Boos (#4689)
    This internationally recognized law firm provides online publications on United States and Canadian immigration law, including the U.S. Immigration Handbook, the U.S. Relocation Guide for the Canadian Computer Industry, the Canadian Immigration Handbook, and Immigration Law Monthly (a monthly question and answer bulletin).

  4. Extradition from Canada (#1355)

  5. Golish, Kenneth Law Office (#4282)
    Law office of Kenneth Golish, provides services in criminal law, immigration, (US and Canadian) and real estate. Articles and practice information are available at this site.

  6. Helpful Information concerning Immigration (#1150)

  7. Residency Terminology Can Lead to Confusion (#3480)
    brief article by Elizabeth Ann Baxter, specialist in the independent categories of Canadian immigration

  8. Review of Canada's Immigrant Investor Program (#3479)
    brief article by Elizabeth Ann Baxter, specialist in the independent categories of Canadian immigration

  9. The Canadian Immigration FAQ (#1148)
    Comprehensive compilation of answers to questions frequently asked by persons contemplating immigration to Canada. The issues covered therein are aimed towards individuals with little or basic knowledge of the immigration process. Links are provided to more detailed information concerning some of the more complicated issues. Prepared by David Cohen.

  10. The Canadian Immigration Newsletter (#1147)
    publication which covers topics relating to immigration to Canada, and issues which may affect those interested in Canadian Immigration

  11. The Canadian Immigration Selection Criteria, According to Schedule I of the Regulations (#1149)

  12. This page is about particular difficulties non-citizens may face when charged in Canada. (#3526)
    from the Law Office of Kenneth W. Golish

  13. U.S. Immigration Handbook (#3495)
    from the law firm of Chang & Boos - an extremely detailed resource of U.S. immigration, written primarily for Canadian citizens and Canadian landed immigrants but relevant to all nationalities. Published by the Toronto office of Chang & Boos, American Attorneys-at-Law

  14. Who Can Immigrate to Canada (#2357)
    article from Law Offices of Roger D. Rodrigues

British Columbia, Canada:

  1. Chang & Boos (#4689)
    This internationally recognized law firm provides online publications on United States and Canadian immigration law, including the U.S. Immigration Handbook, the U.S. Relocation Guide for the Canadian Computer Industry, the Canadian Immigration Handbook, and Immigration Law Monthly (a monthly question and answer bulletin).

  2. Frequently Asked Questions about Immigration (#2729)
    from the law firm of David Aujla, immigration lawyer

  3. General Information about Immigration (#2730)
    from the law firm of David Aujla, immigration lawyer

  4. General Information about Immigration (#3310)

  5. Immigration Categories (#3309)
    by Elizabeth D. Chow Bryson

  6. What's New in Immigration Law (#2731)
    from the law firm of David Aujla, immigration lawyer

Manitoba, Canada:

  1. The Canadian Immigration Selection Criteria, According to Schedule I of the Regulations (#1149)

Nova Scotia, Canada:

  1. Residency Terminology Can Lead to Confusion (#3480)
    brief article by Elizabeth Ann Baxter, specialist in the independent categories of Canadian immigration

  2. Review of Canada's Immigrant Investor Program (#3479)
    brief article by Elizabeth Ann Baxter, specialist in the independent categories of Canadian immigration

Ontario, Canada:

  1. Categories of Immigration (#3154)
    from the law firm of Rosenblatt Associates

  2. Chang & Boos (#4689)
    This internationally recognized law firm provides online publications on United States and Canadian immigration law, including the U.S. Immigration Handbook, the U.S. Relocation Guide for the Canadian Computer Industry, the Canadian Immigration Handbook, and Immigration Law Monthly (a monthly question and answer bulletin).


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