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Criminal / quasi-criminal:

Advocacy Groups:


  1. Association in Defence of the Wrongly Convicted (#316)
    Canadian organization, established to help people who have been wrongly convicted of murder. For example, heavily engaged in the Commission of Inquiry into the wrongful conviction of Guy Paul Morin.

  2. Legal Group for the Internet in Canada ("LoGIC") (#274)
    The Legal Group for the Internet in Canada ("LoGIC") is a conduit for the exchange of information and ideas about policies concerning emerging communication and information technologies. We are devoted to ensuring informed public, legislative, and regulatory responses to these technologies, which at present are manifest most profoundly in the Internet. They want to ensure that new laws and regulations have no detrimental effects on the free and interactive communication of information. Their work focuses on four broad areas of activity relating to their goals: 1.Dissemination of information about legislative, jurisprudential, and political developments in Canada.; 2.Research and commentary about legislative, jurisprudential, and political developments in Canada. ; 3.Participation in the shaping of Canadian law and public policy to new developments. ; 4.Monitoring of, and participation in, criminal and civil cases in the Canadian legal system.


  1. Prison Issues Desk (#311)
    Source for progressive and radical information on prisons and the criminal prosecution system

Articles/newsletters from law firms - Specific articles:


  1. Canada Law Videos .com (#4749)
    Helping you understand Canadian law through video, books, links, forms, articles, and more.

  2. Drinking and Driving: What You Need to Know (#2040)
    article by Ron Jourard (Barrister & Solicitor) - Toronto

  3. Extradition from Canada (#1355)

  4. Golish, Kenneth Law Office (#4282)
    Law office of Kenneth Golish, provides services in criminal law, immigration, (US and Canadian) and real estate. Articles and practice information are available at this site.

  5. Information about Criminal Pardons (#2650)
    from the law firm of Dawe Perkins

  6. Selected Internet Resources (#2137)
    from law firm of S.G.R. MacMillan (Barristers) (defence of serious criminal cases); topics/links include: computer crime, organized crime, money laundering, forensics, law enforcement

  7. Sentencing of Adults (#1457)
    concise article (as the law applies in Nova Scotia)

  8. The Canadian Impaired Driving Information Page (#3860)
    from the web site of Stephen R. Biss, B.A., LL.B., Barrister & Solicitor

  9. The Young Offenders Act - Parent's Page - 23 steps to take (#3859)
    important information for parents - 23 steps you should take right away - from the web site of Stephen R. Biss, B.A., LL.B., Barrister & Solicitor

  10. This page is about particular difficulties non-citizens may face when charged in Canada. (#3526)
    from the Law Office of Kenneth W. Golish

  11. What should you do if you're under investigation? (#2041)
    article by Ron Jourard (Barrister & Solicitor) - Toronto

  12. Your Rights When Arrested or Charged (#1456)
    concise article (as the law applies in Nova Scotia)

Alberta, Canada:

  1. Information about Criminal Pardons (#2650)
    from the law firm of Dawe Perkins

  2. Jury Duty (#2575)
    from law firm of Durocher Simpson

  3. Novel Police Investigation Techniques (#2665)
    By David G. Butcher - from the law firm of Singleton Urquhart Scott

  4. Your Rights When Arrested or Charged - The Criminal Justice System (#2616)
    from law firm of Wheatley Sadownik

British Columbia, Canada:

  1. Novel Police Investigation Techniques (#2665)
    By David G. Butcher - from the law firm of Singleton Urquhart Scott

Manitoba, Canada:

  1. Search and Seizure of Computer Systems (#407)
    From the law office of Peter Sim.

Nova Scotia, Canada:

  1. Sentencing of Adults (#1457)
    concise article (as the law applies in Nova Scotia)

  2. Sexual Assault (#1455)
    concise article (as the law applies in Nova Scotia)

  3. Spousal Abuse (#1458)
    concise article (as the law applies in Nova Scotia)

  4. Your Rights When Arrested or Charged (#1456)
    concise article (as the law applies in Nova Scotia)


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