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(37 matches found)
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Administrative law - Judicial Review:
Articles/newsletters from others:
- Information Circulars from the Canada Industrial Relations Board
www.cirb-ccri.gc.ca/publications/info/index_eng.asp (#1305)
- articles of interest on a variety of topics including: The duty of fair representation; The role of the Board's labour relations officers; Applications for review; Canada Industrial Relations Board Regulations, 1992; Scheduling of Board Hearings; Filing an Unfair Labour Practice Complaint; Unlawful Strikes and Lockouts; Applications for certification; Your Unfair Labour Practice Complaint and the Public Hearing Process; Summonses; Applications for revocation
British Columbia, Canada:
- Information Circulars from the Canada Industrial Relations Board
www.cirb-ccri.gc.ca/publications/info/index_eng.asp (#1305)
- articles of interest on a variety of topics including: The duty of fair representation; The role of the Board's labour relations officers; Applications for review; Canada Industrial Relations Board Regulations, 1992; Scheduling of Board Hearings; Filing an Unfair Labour Practice Complaint; Unlawful Strikes and Lockouts; Applications for certification; Your Unfair Labour Practice Complaint and the Public Hearing Process; Summonses; Applications for revocation
Ontario, Canada:
- A Status Report on the Wood Committee Task Force on Agencies, Boards, and Commissions.
www.arblasterlaw.com (#1068)
- Article by by Richard Arblaster
Articling information for law students:
- LexisNexis® Quicklaw®
www.lexisnexis.ca/en-ca/products/quicklaw-full-service.page (#191)
Book/magazine/newspaper publishers:
- Canada Law Book Inc.
www.canadalawbook.ca (#789)
Caselaw (commentary/analysis/summary):
- Board Finding of School District Liability for Actions of Teacher Upheld
www.cdn-hr-reporter.ca/hatecase.htm#25d175 (#3999)
- Ross v. New Brunswick School Dist. No. 15 (1996), 25 C.H.R.R. D/175 (S.C.C.) [Eng./Fr. 38 pp.] ; case summary from the Canadian Human Rights Reporter ; keyword: hate propaganda; Jewish ; anti-Semitic
- Case Commentaries (Nova Scotia)
www.blupete.com/Law/Commentaries/mainpage.htm (#158)
- Comphrensive web site with case commentaries on many legal topics by Peter Landry, a Barrister of the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia.
- Contempt of Court Ruling for Violating Order Restraining Hate Messages Upheld
www.cdn-hr-reporter.ca/hatecase.htm#31d433 (#3970)
- Canada (Human Rights Comm.) v. Canadian Liberty Net (1998), 31 C.H.R.R. D/433 (S.C.C.) [Eng./Fr. 34 pp.] ; case summary from the Canadian Human Rights Reporter
- Court Upholds Tribunal Decision that Race Discrimination Formed Basis of Employer Actions
www.cdn-hr-reporter.ca/racecase.htm#26d428 (#3969)
- Canada (Attorney General) v. Uzoaba (1995), 26 C.H.R.R. D/428 (F.C.T.D.) [Eng./Fr. 7 pp.] ; case summary from the Canadian Human Rights Reporter
- Family Status Does Not Include Sexual Orientation
www.cdn-hr-reporter.ca/sexor.htm#17d349 (#3968)
- Canada (Attorney General) v. Mossop (1993), 17 C.H.R.R. D/349 (S.C.C.) [Eng./Fr. 61 pp.] ; case summary from the Canadian Human Rights Reporter
- Human Rights Act Applies to University
www.cdn-hr-reporter.ca/pubcase.htm#18d310 (#4003)
- University of British Columbia v. Berg (1993), 18 C.H.R.R. D/310 (S.C.C.) [Eng./Fr. 29 pp.] ; case summary from the Canadian Human Rights Reporter
- S.C.C. Upholds Right of Club to Refuse Membership to Women
www.cdn-hr-reporter.ca/pubcase.htm#25d87 (#3985)
- Gould v. Yukon Order of Pioneers (1996), 25 C.H.R.R. D/87 (S.C.C.) [Eng./Fr. 55 pp.] ; case summary from the Canadian Human Rights Reporter
British Columbia, Canada:
- Human Rights Act Applies to University
www.cdn-hr-reporter.ca/pubcase.htm#18d310 (#4003)
- University of British Columbia v. Berg (1993), 18 C.H.R.R. D/310 (S.C.C.) [Eng./Fr. 29 pp.] ; case summary from the Canadian Human Rights Reporter
New Brunswick, Canada:
- Board Finding of School District Liability for Actions of Teacher Upheld
www.cdn-hr-reporter.ca/hatecase.htm#25d175 (#3999)
- Ross v. New Brunswick School Dist. No. 15 (1996), 25 C.H.R.R. D/175 (S.C.C.) [Eng./Fr. 38 pp.] ; case summary from the Canadian Human Rights Reporter ; keyword: hate propaganda; Jewish ; anti-Semitic
Nova Scotia, Canada:
- Case Commentaries (Nova Scotia)
www.blupete.com/Law/Commentaries/mainpage.htm (#158)
- Comphrensive web site with case commentaries on many legal topics by Peter Landry, a Barrister of the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia.
Ontario, Canada:
- Ruling that Drug-Testing Policy Discriminatory Upheld
www.cdn-hr-reporter.ca/emplcase.htm#30d433 (#3987)
- Imperial Oil Ltd. v. Entrop (1998), 30 C.H.R.R. D/433 (Ont.Ct. (Gen.Div.)) ; case summary from the Canadian Human Rights Reporter
Saskatchewan, Canada:
- Compliance with Act Does Not Preclude Human Rights Subscriptions Violation
www.cdn-hr-reporter.ca/disacase.htm#24d435 (#3998)
- Ripplinger v. Ryan (1996), 24 C.H.R.R. D/435 (Sask. C.A.) [Eng. 6 pp.] ; case summary from the Canadian Human Rights Reporter
Yukon, Canada:
- S.C.C. Upholds Right of Club to Refuse Membership to Women
www.cdn-hr-reporter.ca/pubcase.htm#25d87 (#3985)
- Gould v. Yukon Order of Pioneers (1996), 25 C.H.R.R. D/87 (S.C.C.) [Eng./Fr. 55 pp.] ; case summary from the Canadian Human Rights Reporter
Caselaw from courts and tribunals:
- Case Commentaries (Nova Scotia)
www.blupete.com/Law/Commentaries/mainpage.htm (#158)
- Comphrensive web site with case commentaries on many legal topics by Peter Landry, a Barrister of the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia.
- LexisNexis® Quicklaw®
www.lexisnexis.ca/en-ca/products/quicklaw-full-service.page (#191)Nova Scotia, Canada:
- Case Commentaries (Nova Scotia)
www.blupete.com/Law/Commentaries/mainpage.htm (#158)
- Comphrensive web site with case commentaries on many legal topics by Peter Landry, a Barrister of the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia.
- LexisNexis® Quicklaw®
www.lexisnexis.ca/en-ca/products/quicklaw-full-service.page (#191)
Law Firms/Lawyers:
- Foster & Company
www.fosterandcompany.com (#4681)- Gorman Nason
www.GormanNason.com (#4652)New Brunswick, Canada:
- Foster & Company
www.fosterandcompany.com (#4681)
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