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(134 matches found)
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Articles/newsletters from law firms - Specific articles:


  1. Josephson Angus Barristers (#4737)
    Josephson Angus Barristers are committed, forceful and passionate advocates for our clients’ legal and commercial interests. We recognize that each case is unique. In consultation with each client, we develop effective strategies to deal with the circumstances that the client faces in a particular case and as they affect the client’s wider interests.

Alberta, Canada:

  1. Valuing Your Claim (#3518)
    from the law offices of Nikel Wood

British Columbia, Canada:

  1. Josephson Angus Barristers (#4737)
    Josephson Angus Barristers are committed, forceful and passionate advocates for our clients’ legal and commercial interests. We recognize that each case is unique. In consultation with each client, we develop effective strategies to deal with the circumstances that the client faces in a particular case and as they affect the client’s wider interests.

Newfoundland, Canada:

  1. Personal Injury Damage Awards and the Application of the "Trilogy" Cases by Newfoundland Courts (#474)
    [Date: September, 1997]

Ontario, Canada:

  1. Valuing Your Claim (#4358)
    from the law firm of Dueck, Sauer, Jutzi & Noll (


  1. Josephson Angus Barristers (#4737)
    Josephson Angus Barristers are committed, forceful and passionate advocates for our clients’ legal and commercial interests. We recognize that each case is unique. In consultation with each client, we develop effective strategies to deal with the circumstances that the client faces in a particular case and as they affect the client’s wider interests.

Articles/newsletters from law firms - index pages only:


  1. Josephson Angus Barristers (#4737)
    Josephson Angus Barristers are committed, forceful and passionate advocates for our clients’ legal and commercial interests. We recognize that each case is unique. In consultation with each client, we develop effective strategies to deal with the circumstances that the client faces in a particular case and as they affect the client’s wider interests.

British Columbia, Canada:

  1. Josephson Angus Barristers (#4737)
    Josephson Angus Barristers are committed, forceful and passionate advocates for our clients’ legal and commercial interests. We recognize that each case is unique. In consultation with each client, we develop effective strategies to deal with the circumstances that the client faces in a particular case and as they affect the client’s wider interests.

Ontario, Canada:

  1. Library of Goodman & Carr Articles (#1291)
    Articles on a variety of topics

  2. Noteworthy (Hughes, Amys) (#385)
    Newsletter from Hughes, Amys, contains articles, case commentaries and practice notes of specific interest to the insurance industry.


  1. Josephson Angus Barristers (#4737)
    Josephson Angus Barristers are committed, forceful and passionate advocates for our clients’ legal and commercial interests. We recognize that each case is unique. In consultation with each client, we develop effective strategies to deal with the circumstances that the client faces in a particular case and as they affect the client’s wider interests.

Articles/newsletters from others:


  1. Motor Vehicle Law (#3609)
    detailed text from the Universtiy of British Columbia Law Students' Legal Advice Program (LSLAP); includes: (1) text, (2) legislation, (3) resources, (4) links

British Columbia, Canada:

  1. Automobile Insurance (#3610)
    detailed text from the Universtiy of British Columbia Law Students' Legal Advice Program (LSLAP); includes: (1) text, (2) legislation, (3) resources, (4) links

  2. Motor Vehicle Law (#3609)
    detailed text from the Universtiy of British Columbia Law Students' Legal Advice Program (LSLAP); includes: (1) text, (2) legislation, (3) resources, (4) links

Articling information for law students:


  1. LexisNexis® Quicklaw® (#191)
    pay $ site - QL has over 1000 searchable databases and bulletin boards of full text judgments from all court levels and many administrative tribunals in Canada, as well as full text databases of legislation, tax and news.

Caselaw (commentary/analysis/summary):


  1. Case Commentaries (Nova Scotia) (#158)
    Comphrensive web site with case commentaries on many legal topics by Peter Landry, a Barrister of the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia.

  2. Employer Ordered to Remedy Discriminatory Treatment (#3967)
    Canada (Attorney General) v. Grover (No. 1) (1992), 18 C.H.R.R. D/1 (Can.Trib.) [Eng./Fr. 57 pp.] ; case summary from the Canadian Human Rights Reporter

  3. Josephson Angus Barristers (#4737)
    Josephson Angus Barristers are committed, forceful and passionate advocates for our clients’ legal and commercial interests. We recognize that each case is unique. In consultation with each client, we develop effective strategies to deal with the circumstances that the client faces in a particular case and as they affect the client’s wider interests.

British Columbia, Canada:

  1. Josephson Angus Barristers (#4737)
    Josephson Angus Barristers are committed, forceful and passionate advocates for our clients’ legal and commercial interests. We recognize that each case is unique. In consultation with each client, we develop effective strategies to deal with the circumstances that the client faces in a particular case and as they affect the client’s wider interests.

Newfoundland, Canada:

  1. Personal Injury Damage Awards and the Application of the "Trilogy" Cases by Newfoundland Courts (#474)
    [Date: September, 1997]

Nova Scotia, Canada:

  1. Case Commentaries (Nova Scotia) (#158)
    Comphrensive web site with case commentaries on many legal topics by Peter Landry, a Barrister of the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia.

Ontario, Canada:

  1. Comments Denigrating Sexuality Are Sexual Harassment (#4001)
    Shaw v. Levac Supply Ltd. (1990), 14 C.H.R.R. D/36 (Ont. Bd.Inq.) [Eng. 32 pp.] ; case summary from the Canadian Human Rights Reporter

  2. Condominium Corporations Discriminated on the Basis of Family Status (#4005)
    York Condominium Corp. No. 216 v. Dudnik (1991), 14 C.H.R.R. D/406 (Ont. Div.Ct.) [Eng. 9 pp.] ; case summary from the Canadian Human Rights Reporter

  3. Criteria for Damages in Sexual Harassment Cases (#4002)
    Torres v. Royalty Kitchenware Ltd. (1982), 3 C.H.R.R. D/858 (Ont. Bd.Inq.) [Eng. 17 pp.] ; case summary from the Canadian Human Rights Reporter

  4. Noteworthy (Hughes, Amys) (#385)
    Newsletter from Hughes, Amys, contains articles, case commentaries and practice notes of specific interest to the insurance industry.


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