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(137 matches found)
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Franchising / licensing / distribution:

Articles/newsletters from law firms - Specific articles:


  1. Josephson Angus Barristers (#4737)
    Josephson Angus Barristers are committed, forceful and passionate advocates for our clients’ legal and commercial interests. We recognize that each case is unique. In consultation with each client, we develop effective strategies to deal with the circumstances that the client faces in a particular case and as they affect the client’s wider interests.

British Columbia, Canada:

  1. Josephson Angus Barristers (#4737)
    Josephson Angus Barristers are committed, forceful and passionate advocates for our clients’ legal and commercial interests. We recognize that each case is unique. In consultation with each client, we develop effective strategies to deal with the circumstances that the client faces in a particular case and as they affect the client’s wider interests.

Ontario, Canada:

  1. Franchising a Business (#4314)
    from the law firm of Dueck, Sauer, Jutzi & Noll (

  2. Ontario’s Proposed Franchise Disclosure Act, 1998 (#2903)
    from Lawsnet web site

  3. Patent, Trade Secret, and Technology Licensing and Joint Ventures: A Few Practical Issues (#547)
    from the law firm of Deeth, Williams, Wall [Date: January, 1996]


  1. Josephson Angus Barristers (#4737)
    Josephson Angus Barristers are committed, forceful and passionate advocates for our clients’ legal and commercial interests. We recognize that each case is unique. In consultation with each client, we develop effective strategies to deal with the circumstances that the client faces in a particular case and as they affect the client’s wider interests.


  1. » US Law Videos .com « (#4752)
    Helping you understand American law through video, books, links, forms, articles, and more.

Articles/newsletters from law firms - index pages only:


  1. Josephson Angus Barristers (#4737)
    Josephson Angus Barristers are committed, forceful and passionate advocates for our clients’ legal and commercial interests. We recognize that each case is unique. In consultation with each client, we develop effective strategies to deal with the circumstances that the client faces in a particular case and as they affect the client’s wider interests.

Alberta, Canada:

  1. Web site with several articles on franchise law (#1167)
    from site of Markus Cohen, Q.C., LL.M.

British Columbia, Canada:

  1. Baker Newby (#3015)

  2. Josephson Angus Barristers (#4737)
    Josephson Angus Barristers are committed, forceful and passionate advocates for our clients’ legal and commercial interests. We recognize that each case is unique. In consultation with each client, we develop effective strategies to deal with the circumstances that the client faces in a particular case and as they affect the client’s wider interests.

Ontario, Canada:

  1. Articles on various topics (#1104)
    from law firm Bereskin & Parr

  2. Franchise Currents (#2449)
    from the law firm of Sotos Karvanis

  3. The Fasken Alert! (#3104)
    from Fasken Campbell Godfrey - variety of topics covered

  4. Web site with several articles on franchise law (#1167)
    from site of Markus Cohen, Q.C., LL.M.


  1. Josephson Angus Barristers (#4737)
    Josephson Angus Barristers are committed, forceful and passionate advocates for our clients’ legal and commercial interests. We recognize that each case is unique. In consultation with each client, we develop effective strategies to deal with the circumstances that the client faces in a particular case and as they affect the client’s wider interests.


  1. » US Law Videos .com « (#4752)
    Helping you understand American law through video, books, links, forms, articles, and more.

Articles/newsletters from others:


  1. Franchise Law in Canada (#1703)
    The information contained in this article was provided by Philip B. Kerr, an Ottawa, Ontario lawyer whose practice is restricted to patent, trade-mark, copyright and computer law.

Ontario, Canada:

  1. Franchise Law in Ontario (#286)

  2. Franchises (#4585)
    from Legal Line (

Articling information for law students:


  1. LexisNexis® Quicklaw® (#191)
    pay $ site - QL has over 1000 searchable databases and bulletin boards of full text judgments from all court levels and many administrative tribunals in Canada, as well as full text databases of legislation, tax and news.

Alberta, Canada:

  1. Lawson Lundell LLP (#3566)
    Lawson Lundell LLP has occupied a prominent place in the legal profession in British Columbia for over 90 years and is pre-eminent in the areas of business law. The firm's 100 lawyers represent businesses, both large and small, Canadian and international, in many different industries from natural resources to technology law. We have offices in Vancouver (British Columbia), Calgary (Alberta), and Yellowknife (Northwest Territories)

British Columbia, Canada:

  1. Lawson Lundell LLP (#3566)
    Lawson Lundell LLP has occupied a prominent place in the legal profession in British Columbia for over 90 years and is pre-eminent in the areas of business law. The firm's 100 lawyers represent businesses, both large and small, Canadian and international, in many different industries from natural resources to technology law. We have offices in Vancouver (British Columbia), Calgary (Alberta), and Yellowknife (Northwest Territories)

Northwest Territories, Canada:

  1. Lawson Lundell LLP (#3566)
    Lawson Lundell LLP has occupied a prominent place in the legal profession in British Columbia for over 90 years and is pre-eminent in the areas of business law. The firm's 100 lawyers represent businesses, both large and small, Canadian and international, in many different industries from natural resources to technology law. We have offices in Vancouver (British Columbia), Calgary (Alberta), and Yellowknife (Northwest Territories)



  1. Access Copyright - licensing information (#1644)
    Access Copyright is a non-profit organization founded by Canadian writers and publishers. Access Copyright acts on behalf of artists, writers and publishers to grant permission to copy. A licensing fee or royalty is collected and given back to the artist, writer or publisher.


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