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(91 matches found)
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Business - Business leases (equip. financing):

Articles/newsletters from law firms - Specific articles:

British Columbia, Canada:

  1. LEASES - The Chains That Bind (#1387)
    brief article discussing: Inducements; Term & Renewal; Rent; Other Obligations; Limitations; Other Considerations - article by Michael J. Velletta, Barrister & Solicitor

Articles/newsletters from law firms - index pages only:


  1. McCarthy Tétrault - Publications (#389)
    Articles on various topics including: Business Disputes; Business Law; Commercial Leasing; Environmental and Municipal; Estates and Trusts; High Tech Law; Insurance; Intellectual Property; Labour and Employment; Real Estate; Securities; Telecommunications; Trade Law; of International Interest; and other

Alberta, Canada:

  1. McCarthy Tétrault - Publications (#389)
    Articles on various topics including: Business Disputes; Business Law; Commercial Leasing; Environmental and Municipal; Estates and Trusts; High Tech Law; Insurance; Intellectual Property; Labour and Employment; Real Estate; Securities; Telecommunications; Trade Law; of International Interest; and other

British Columbia, Canada:

  1. Macaulay McColl publications (#387)
    List of manuals that are available for sale that are designed to provide businesses with useful information on specific legal topics. Selected Manuals include: Collections Manual; Comparative Price Advertising; Commercial Tenancy Manual; Directors' & Officers' Liability; Cost-Effective Resolution of Commercial Disputes;

  2. McCarthy Tétrault - Publications (#389)
    Articles on various topics including: Business Disputes; Business Law; Commercial Leasing; Environmental and Municipal; Estates and Trusts; High Tech Law; Insurance; Intellectual Property; Labour and Employment; Real Estate; Securities; Telecommunications; Trade Law; of International Interest; and other

Ontario, Canada:

  1. Firm Memoranda from Davies Ward & Beck (#3212)
    sorted by practice area

  2. Library of Goodman & Carr Articles (#1291)
    Articles on a variety of topics

  3. McCarthy Tétrault - Publications (#389)
    Articles on various topics including: Business Disputes; Business Law; Commercial Leasing; Environmental and Municipal; Estates and Trusts; High Tech Law; Insurance; Intellectual Property; Labour and Employment; Real Estate; Securities; Telecommunications; Trade Law; of International Interest; and other

Quebec, Canada:

  1. McCarthy Tétrault - Publications (#389)
    Articles on various topics including: Business Disputes; Business Law; Commercial Leasing; Environmental and Municipal; Estates and Trusts; High Tech Law; Insurance; Intellectual Property; Labour and Employment; Real Estate; Securities; Telecommunications; Trade Law; of International Interest; and other

United Kingdom:

  1. McCarthy Tétrault - Publications (#389)
    Articles on various topics including: Business Disputes; Business Law; Commercial Leasing; Environmental and Municipal; Estates and Trusts; High Tech Law; Insurance; Intellectual Property; Labour and Employment; Real Estate; Securities; Telecommunications; Trade Law; of International Interest; and other

Articles/newsletters from others:

Saskatchewan, Canada:

  1. Saskatchewan Law: Your Tenant Has Just Gone Bankrupt! (#1507)
    describes generally how the bankruptcy of your tenant affects your position as landlord in Saskatchewan

Articling information for law students:


  1. LexisNexis® Quicklaw® (#191)
    pay $ site - QL has over 1000 searchable databases and bulletin boards of full text judgments from all court levels and many administrative tribunals in Canada, as well as full text databases of legislation, tax and news.

British Columbia, Canada:

  1. Edwards, Kenny & Bray (#3544)

Caselaw from courts and tribunals:


  1. LexisNexis® Quicklaw® (#191)
    pay $ site - QL has over 1000 searchable databases and bulletin boards of full text judgments from all court levels and many administrative tribunals in Canada, as well as full text databases of legislation, tax and news.

Continuing Legal Education:


  1. The Canadian Institute (#4669)
    The Canadian Institute is Canada's largest provider of professional development and continuing education programmes for senior business executives, lawyers & other professionals. Staffed by lawyers and other professionals, it operates as a "think tank", monitoring trends and developments in law, finance, the environment, insurance, financial services, energy, management, government, banking, health care and public policy and much more!

Alberta, Canada:

  1. The Canadian Institute (#4669)
    The Canadian Institute is Canada's largest provider of professional development and continuing education programmes for senior business executives, lawyers & other professionals. Staffed by lawyers and other professionals, it operates as a "think tank", monitoring trends and developments in law, finance, the environment, insurance, financial services, energy, management, government, banking, health care and public policy and much more!

British Columbia, Canada:

  1. The Canadian Institute (#4669)
    The Canadian Institute is Canada's largest provider of professional development and continuing education programmes for senior business executives, lawyers & other professionals. Staffed by lawyers and other professionals, it operates as a "think tank", monitoring trends and developments in law, finance, the environment, insurance, financial services, energy, management, government, banking, health care and public policy and much more!

Nova Scotia, Canada:

  1. The Canadian Institute (#4669)
    The Canadian Institute is Canada's largest provider of professional development and continuing education programmes for senior business executives, lawyers & other professionals. Staffed by lawyers and other professionals, it operates as a "think tank", monitoring trends and developments in law, finance, the environment, insurance, financial services, energy, management, government, banking, health care and public policy and much more!

Ontario, Canada:

  1. The Canadian Institute (#4669)
    The Canadian Institute is Canada's largest provider of professional development and continuing education programmes for senior business executives, lawyers & other professionals. Staffed by lawyers and other professionals, it operates as a "think tank", monitoring trends and developments in law, finance, the environment, insurance, financial services, energy, management, government, banking, health care and public policy and much more!

Quebec, Canada:

  1. The Canadian Institute (#4669)
    The Canadian Institute is Canada's largest provider of professional development and continuing education programmes for senior business executives, lawyers & other professionals. Staffed by lawyers and other professionals, it operates as a "think tank", monitoring trends and developments in law, finance, the environment, insurance, financial services, energy, management, government, banking, health care and public policy and much more!



  1. LexisNexis® Quicklaw® (#191)
    pay $ site - QL has over 1000 searchable databases and bulletin boards of full text judgments from all court levels and many administrative tribunals in Canada, as well as full text databases of legislation, tax and news.

Government - Municipalities/Cities/Towns:


  1. The Canadian Institute (#4669)
    The Canadian Institute is Canada's largest provider of professional development and continuing education programmes for senior business executives, lawyers & other professionals. Staffed by lawyers and other professionals, it operates as a "think tank", monitoring trends and developments in law, finance, the environment, insurance, financial services, energy, management, government, banking, health care and public policy and much more!

Alberta, Canada:

  1. The Canadian Institute (#4669)
    The Canadian Institute is Canada's largest provider of professional development and continuing education programmes for senior business executives, lawyers & other professionals. Staffed by lawyers and other professionals, it operates as a "think tank", monitoring trends and developments in law, finance, the environment, insurance, financial services, energy, management, government, banking, health care and public policy and much more!

British Columbia, Canada:

  1. The Canadian Institute (#4669)
    The Canadian Institute is Canada's largest provider of professional development and continuing education programmes for senior business executives, lawyers & other professionals. Staffed by lawyers and other professionals, it operates as a "think tank", monitoring trends and developments in law, finance, the environment, insurance, financial services, energy, management, government, banking, health care and public policy and much more!

Nova Scotia, Canada:

  1. The Canadian Institute (#4669)
    The Canadian Institute is Canada's largest provider of professional development and continuing education programmes for senior business executives, lawyers & other professionals. Staffed by lawyers and other professionals, it operates as a "think tank", monitoring trends and developments in law, finance, the environment, insurance, financial services, energy, management, government, banking, health care and public policy and much more!


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