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(133 matches found)
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Freedom of Information / Privacy:

Advocacy Groups:


  1. Information about Bill C-54 (#3862)

  2. Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) (#3678)
    non-profit organization that provides legal and research services on behalf of consumer interests, and, in particular, vulnerable consumer interests, concerning the provision of important public services.

British Columbia, Canada:

  1. BC Freedom of Information and Privacy Association (#1662)

Articles/newsletters from law firms - Specific articles:

Ontario, Canada:

  1. Ownership of Data: The Evolution of "Virtual" Property (#445)

  2. The Law of Privacy in Canada - A Comparison with U.S. Law (#1134)
    Article by Graham A. Knight from the law firm of Burgar, Rowe.

Articles/newsletters from others:


  1. Canadian Legal FAQs (#3764)
    general index page to a variety of topics; sponsored by the Alberta Law Foundation

  2. Credit Bureaus (#1323)
    general information including explanation of the 9 rating levels on credit reports

  3. Cyberlaw Encyclopedia - links web site (#990)
    large resource site for cyberlaw issues - maintained by Toronto lawyer Alan Gahtan ; I.T., I.P. and Electronic Commerce Legal Portal™ ; topics include: Advertising and Promotion ; Biotechnology ; Censorship and Free Press ; Competition Law ; Computer Contracts ; Confidentiality ; Consumer Protection ; Copyright Law ; Courses and Seminars ; Criminal Law ; Cryptography and Export Controls ; Defamation ; Domain Names ; Electronic Commerce ; Electronic Evidence ; Electronic Money including Electronic Payment Systems Escrow ; Fraud ; Government ; Industrial Design ; Internet Gambling ; Internet and Online Banking ; Journals and Newsletters ; Junk E-mail and Spamming ; Jurisdiction ; Legal Technology ; Misc ; Multimedia ; News ; Organizations ; Other Resources ; Patents ; Privacy ; Publications ; Regulation of Cyberspace ; Securities Law ; Support; Law Firms, Agents, Associations ; Tax ; Telecommunications and Broadcasting ; Trade-Marks ; Trade Secrets ; Web Site Development ; Web Site Hosting ; Workplace Issues ; Year 2000 ; y2k

  4. Improving Access to the Law in Canada With Digital Media (#3364)
    Tom McMahon. "Improving Access to the Law in Canada With Digital Media" Government Information in Canada/Information gouvernementale au Canada No. 16 (March 1999). The purpose of this paper is to argue that one of the most important freedom of information issues that exists is access to the laws.
    [Date: March, 1999]

  5. Information about Bill C-54 (#3862)

  6. The Newsletter on Civil Liberties (#3556)
    Web site whose mission is to: (i) monitor acts of censorship, and other civil liberties infringements, across Canada; (ii) provide an online resource on the current status of freedom of expression in Canadian law.; includes: List of Publications Stopped by Canada Customs; Statutory law: relevant sections of the Criminal Code and the Customs Tariff, and more; list of caselaw relating to freedom of Expression in Canada

Alberta, Canada:

  1. Access to Information FAQs (#3765)
    answers to a variety of frequently asked questions; sponsored by the Alberta Law Foundation

  2. Canadian Legal FAQs (#3764)
    general index page to a variety of topics; sponsored by the Alberta Law Foundation

British Columbia, Canada:

  1. Credit Bureaus (#1323)
    general information including explanation of the 9 rating levels on credit reports

Manitoba, Canada:

  1. Credit Bureaus (#1323)
    general information including explanation of the 9 rating levels on credit reports

New Brunswick, Canada:

  1. Credit Bureaus (#1323)
    general information including explanation of the 9 rating levels on credit reports

Newfoundland, Canada:

  1. Credit Bureaus (#1323)
    general information including explanation of the 9 rating levels on credit reports

Northwest Territories, Canada:

  1. Credit Bureaus (#1323)
    general information including explanation of the 9 rating levels on credit reports

Nova Scotia, Canada:

  1. Credit Bureaus (#1323)
    general information including explanation of the 9 rating levels on credit reports

Ontario, Canada:

  1. Credit Bureaus (#1323)
    general information including explanation of the 9 rating levels on credit reports

  2. Rules about Tenant's Right to Privacy ; changing of locks (#3921)
    brief article from the Ontario Rental Housing Tribunal ; when can a landlord enter a tenant's unit, changing of locks

Prince Edward Island, Canada:

  1. Credit Bureaus (#1323)
    general information including explanation of the 9 rating levels on credit reports

Quebec, Canada:

  1. Credit Bureaus (#1323)
    general information including explanation of the 9 rating levels on credit reports

Saskatchewan, Canada:

  1. Credit Bureaus (#1323)
    general information including explanation of the 9 rating levels on credit reports

  2. Improving Access to the Law in Canada With Digital Media (#3364)
    Tom McMahon. "Improving Access to the Law in Canada With Digital Media" Government Information in Canada/Information gouvernementale au Canada No. 16 (March 1999). The purpose of this paper is to argue that one of the most important freedom of information issues that exists is access to the laws.
    [Date: March, 1999]


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