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Computers - Y2K:

Articles/newsletters from law firms - Specific articles:


  1. Computer Law Section from Lawsnet (#2895)

Alberta, Canada:

  1. Legal Implications of the Millennium bug (Year 200 Problem) (#416)

  2. Some Legal Considerations Concerning Year 2000 Issues (#2456)
    By James A. T. Swanson, BASc, LLB, MBA, Barrister & Solicitor (Swanson Streitmeier)

British Columbia, Canada:

  1. Legal Issues Relating to the Millennium Bug (#3283)
    by George A. Wowk -presented to the Canadian Bar Association Computer Law Subsection on April 28, 1998. [Date: May, 1998]

  2. Y2K: So How Does This Affect Me? (#3108)
    brief article from law firm of Richards Buell Sutton

Ontario, Canada:

  1. Computer Law Section from Lawsnet (#2895)

  2. Plaskacz and Associates (#3270)
    serves software industry

  3. Some Legal Implications of the Year 2000 (#2001)
    by John A. Bryan of Giffen Lee Lawyers

  4. The Year 2000 Problem - A Checklist For Survival (#2339)
    by Daniel E. Pinnington of Lancaster, Mix & Welch

  5. Year 2000 Bug has Legal Implications (#1974)
    brief article - Article by: Bryan R. Dale Barrister & Solicitor


  1. SEC Mandates Increased Disclosure of Year 2000 Issues (#591)

Articles/newsletters from law firms - index pages only:


  1. McCarthy Tétrault - Publications (#389)
    Articles on various topics including: Business Disputes; Business Law; Commercial Leasing; Environmental and Municipal; Estates and Trusts; High Tech Law; Insurance; Intellectual Property; Labour and Employment; Real Estate; Securities; Telecommunications; Trade Law; of International Interest; and other

Alberta, Canada:

  1. McCarthy Tétrault - Publications (#389)
    Articles on various topics including: Business Disputes; Business Law; Commercial Leasing; Environmental and Municipal; Estates and Trusts; High Tech Law; Insurance; Intellectual Property; Labour and Employment; Real Estate; Securities; Telecommunications; Trade Law; of International Interest; and other

British Columbia, Canada:

  1. Briefs from law firm of Richards Buell Sutton (#3109)
    variety of topics

  2. McCarthy Tétrault - Publications (#389)
    Articles on various topics including: Business Disputes; Business Law; Commercial Leasing; Environmental and Municipal; Estates and Trusts; High Tech Law; Insurance; Intellectual Property; Labour and Employment; Real Estate; Securities; Telecommunications; Trade Law; of International Interest; and other

Manitoba, Canada:

  1. Articles on Law and Technology (#406)
    Columns on legal issues related to computing written by Peter Sim, lawyer. From the law office of Peter Sim. They were orginally published in The Computer Post - Manitoba's Business and Technology Paper.

Ontario, Canada:

  1. Articles from Giffen Lee Lawyers (#1998)
    various topics

  2. Firm Memoranda from Davies Ward & Beck (#3191)

  3. McCarthy Tétrault - Publications (#389)
    Articles on various topics including: Business Disputes; Business Law; Commercial Leasing; Environmental and Municipal; Estates and Trusts; High Tech Law; Insurance; Intellectual Property; Labour and Employment; Real Estate; Securities; Telecommunications; Trade Law; of International Interest; and other

  4. Newsletter from Lerner & Associates (#3184)

  5. Noteworthy (Hughes, Amys) (#385)
    Newsletter from Hughes, Amys, contains articles, case commentaries and practice notes of specific interest to the insurance industry.

  6. Papers and Publications By Our Lawyers (#2338)
    Lancaster, Mix & Welch

Quebec, Canada:

  1. McCarthy Tétrault - Publications (#389)
    Articles on various topics including: Business Disputes; Business Law; Commercial Leasing; Environmental and Municipal; Estates and Trusts; High Tech Law; Insurance; Intellectual Property; Labour and Employment; Real Estate; Securities; Telecommunications; Trade Law; of International Interest; and other

United Kingdom:

  1. McCarthy Tétrault - Publications (#389)
    Articles on various topics including: Business Disputes; Business Law; Commercial Leasing; Environmental and Municipal; Estates and Trusts; High Tech Law; Insurance; Intellectual Property; Labour and Employment; Real Estate; Securities; Telecommunications; Trade Law; of International Interest; and other

Articles/newsletters from others:


  1. Cyberlaw Encyclopedia - links web site (#990)
    large resource site for cyberlaw issues - maintained by Toronto lawyer Alan Gahtan ; I.T., I.P. and Electronic Commerce Legal Portal™ ; topics include: Advertising and Promotion ; Biotechnology ; Censorship and Free Press ; Competition Law ; Computer Contracts ; Confidentiality ; Consumer Protection ; Copyright Law ; Courses and Seminars ; Criminal Law ; Cryptography and Export Controls ; Defamation ; Domain Names ; Electronic Commerce ; Electronic Evidence ; Electronic Money including Electronic Payment Systems Escrow ; Fraud ; Government ; Industrial Design ; Internet Gambling ; Internet and Online Banking ; Journals and Newsletters ; Junk E-mail and Spamming ; Jurisdiction ; Legal Technology ; Misc ; Multimedia ; News ; Organizations ; Other Resources ; Patents ; Privacy ; Publications ; Regulation of Cyberspace ; Securities Law ; Support; Law Firms, Agents, Associations ; Tax ; Telecommunications and Broadcasting ; Trade-Marks ; Trade Secrets ; Web Site Development ; Web Site Hosting ; Workplace Issues ; Year 2000 ; y2k


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