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(130 matches found)
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Business - Directors/officers duties/liability:

Articles/newsletters from law firms - Specific articles:


  1. Josephson Angus Barristers (#4737)
    Josephson Angus Barristers are committed, forceful and passionate advocates for our clients’ legal and commercial interests. We recognize that each case is unique. In consultation with each client, we develop effective strategies to deal with the circumstances that the client faces in a particular case and as they affect the client’s wider interests.

Alberta, Canada:

  1. Directors and Officers Liability and Insurance Coverage For Environmental Claims (#2672)
    by John R. Singleton, LL.M. - from the law firm of Singleton Urquhart Scott [Date: April, 1996]

British Columbia, Canada:

  1. Directors and Officers Liability and Insurance Coverage For Environmental Claims (#2672)
    by John R. Singleton, LL.M. - from the law firm of Singleton Urquhart Scott [Date: April, 1996]

  2. Josephson Angus Barristers (#4737)
    Josephson Angus Barristers are committed, forceful and passionate advocates for our clients’ legal and commercial interests. We recognize that each case is unique. In consultation with each client, we develop effective strategies to deal with the circumstances that the client faces in a particular case and as they affect the client’s wider interests.

Ontario, Canada:

  1. Director Liability (#4311)
    from the law firm of Dueck, Sauer, Jutzi & Noll (

  2. Director's Liability (taxes) (#2383)
    from Rotfleisch & Samulovitch

  3. Meaning of Limited Liability (#4310)
    from the law firm of Dueck, Sauer, Jutzi & Noll (


  1. Josephson Angus Barristers (#4737)
    Josephson Angus Barristers are committed, forceful and passionate advocates for our clients’ legal and commercial interests. We recognize that each case is unique. In consultation with each client, we develop effective strategies to deal with the circumstances that the client faces in a particular case and as they affect the client’s wider interests.

Articles/newsletters from law firms - index pages only:


  1. Josephson Angus Barristers (#4737)
    Josephson Angus Barristers are committed, forceful and passionate advocates for our clients’ legal and commercial interests. We recognize that each case is unique. In consultation with each client, we develop effective strategies to deal with the circumstances that the client faces in a particular case and as they affect the client’s wider interests.

British Columbia, Canada:

  1. Josephson Angus Barristers (#4737)
    Josephson Angus Barristers are committed, forceful and passionate advocates for our clients’ legal and commercial interests. We recognize that each case is unique. In consultation with each client, we develop effective strategies to deal with the circumstances that the client faces in a particular case and as they affect the client’s wider interests.

  2. Macaulay McColl publications (#387)
    List of manuals that are available for sale that are designed to provide businesses with useful information on specific legal topics. Selected Manuals include: Collections Manual; Comparative Price Advertising; Commercial Tenancy Manual; Directors' & Officers' Liability; Cost-Effective Resolution of Commercial Disputes;

Ontario, Canada:

  1. Business Articles (#4381)
    articles from from the law firm of Dueck, Sauer, Jutzi & Noll (; Topics include: Corporations, Partnerships, Sole Proprietorships; Shareholders Agreement; Partnership Agreements; Disputes; Buying or Selling a Business; Employment & Estate Issues

  2. Firm Memoranda from Davies Ward & Beck (#3212)
    sorted by practice area

  3. Firm Memoranda from Davies Ward & Beck (#3191)

Quebec, Canada:

  1. Publications of Martineau Walker (#3262)


  1. Josephson Angus Barristers (#4737)
    Josephson Angus Barristers are committed, forceful and passionate advocates for our clients’ legal and commercial interests. We recognize that each case is unique. In consultation with each client, we develop effective strategies to deal with the circumstances that the client faces in a particular case and as they affect the client’s wider interests.

Articles/newsletters from others:


  1. Voluntary Codes Guide (#651)
    Links to voluntary codes of conduct of various industries/organizations in Canada and around the world. Canada's Office of Consumer Affairs (OCA), Industry Canada.

Ontario, Canada:

  1. Corporate minute books (#4578)
    from Legal Line (

  2. Liability of directors, officers, and shareholders (#4577)
    from Legal Line (

  3. Shareholders, Directors and Officers (#4575)
    from Legal Line (


  1. Voluntary Codes Guide (#651)
    Links to voluntary codes of conduct of various industries/organizations in Canada and around the world. Canada's Office of Consumer Affairs (OCA), Industry Canada.

Articling information for law students:


  1. LexisNexis® Quicklaw® (#191)
    pay $ site - QL has over 1000 searchable databases and bulletin boards of full text judgments from all court levels and many administrative tribunals in Canada, as well as full text databases of legislation, tax and news.

Caselaw (commentary/analysis/summary):


  1. Josephson Angus Barristers (#4737)
    Josephson Angus Barristers are committed, forceful and passionate advocates for our clients’ legal and commercial interests. We recognize that each case is unique. In consultation with each client, we develop effective strategies to deal with the circumstances that the client faces in a particular case and as they affect the client’s wider interests.

British Columbia, Canada:

  1. Josephson Angus Barristers (#4737)
    Josephson Angus Barristers are committed, forceful and passionate advocates for our clients’ legal and commercial interests. We recognize that each case is unique. In consultation with each client, we develop effective strategies to deal with the circumstances that the client faces in a particular case and as they affect the client’s wider interests.


  1. Josephson Angus Barristers (#4737)
    Josephson Angus Barristers are committed, forceful and passionate advocates for our clients’ legal and commercial interests. We recognize that each case is unique. In consultation with each client, we develop effective strategies to deal with the circumstances that the client faces in a particular case and as they affect the client’s wider interests.


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