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Intellectual Property - Trade-marks:

Articles/newsletters from law firms - Specific articles:


  1. Canadian Trade-mark Registration Application Information Sheet (#2904)
    from The Law Office of Ling Xia, Barrister & Solicitor, Trade-mark Agent, Toronto, Canada

  2. Josephson Angus Barristers (#4737)
    Josephson Angus Barristers are committed, forceful and passionate advocates for our clients’ legal and commercial interests. We recognize that each case is unique. In consultation with each client, we develop effective strategies to deal with the circumstances that the client faces in a particular case and as they affect the client’s wider interests.

  3. Trade-Marks - A Primer (#2380)
    from Rotfleisch & Samulovitch

  4. Trade-marks FAQ - (Frequently Asked Questions about Trade-marks) (#2986)
    Frequently Asked Questions about Trade-marks -- from Oyen Wiggs Green & Mutala LLP

  5. Types of Intellectual Property Protection Available in Canada (#3040)
    from law firm of Kirby Eades Gale Baker

  6. What's In a Name? - Using trade-marks as a business tool (#3329)
    from the Canadian Intellectual Property Office

Alberta, Canada:

  1. Trade-mark FAQ (#2681)
    article from the law firm of Stemp & Company

British Columbia, Canada:

  1. Josephson Angus Barristers (#4737)
    Josephson Angus Barristers are committed, forceful and passionate advocates for our clients’ legal and commercial interests. We recognize that each case is unique. In consultation with each client, we develop effective strategies to deal with the circumstances that the client faces in a particular case and as they affect the client’s wider interests.

  2. Trade-marks FAQ - (Frequently Asked Questions about Trade-marks) (#2986)
    Frequently Asked Questions about Trade-marks -- from Oyen Wiggs Green & Mutala LLP

Ontario, Canada:

  1. Can Colour Function as a Trade-mark? A Canadian Perspective (#2112)
    By Jennifer Ferguson, Student-At-Law (Keyser Mason Ball) [Date: May, 1998]

  2. Canadian Trade-mark Registration Application Information Sheet (#2904)
    from The Law Office of Ling Xia, Barrister & Solicitor, Trade-mark Agent, Toronto, Canada

  3. Trade-Mark "Use" (#2114)
    By Anthony de Fazekas - Keyser Mason Ball

  4. Trademarks (#3175)
    brief article from the law firm of Piasetzki & Nenniger

  5. Trade-Marks - A Primer (#2380)
    from Rotfleisch & Samulovitch

  6. Types of Intellectual Property Protection Available in Canada (#3040)
    from law firm of Kirby Eades Gale Baker

  7. Using Trademarks and Copyright to Protect Your Property (#550)
    from the law firm of Deeth, Williams, Wall
    [Date: May, 1998]

Saskatchewan, Canada:

  1. General Intellectual Property Information (#3327)
    from the law firm of Furman & Kallio


  1. Josephson Angus Barristers (#4737)
    Josephson Angus Barristers are committed, forceful and passionate advocates for our clients’ legal and commercial interests. We recognize that each case is unique. In consultation with each client, we develop effective strategies to deal with the circumstances that the client faces in a particular case and as they affect the client’s wider interests.

Articles/newsletters from law firms - index pages only:


  1. Canadian Trade-Marks (#2111)
    series of articles from the law firm Keyser Mason Ball

  2. Intellectual Property Articles (#3038)
    from law firm of Kirby Eades Gale Baker

  3. Josephson Angus Barristers (#4737)
    Josephson Angus Barristers are committed, forceful and passionate advocates for our clients’ legal and commercial interests. We recognize that each case is unique. In consultation with each client, we develop effective strategies to deal with the circumstances that the client faces in a particular case and as they affect the client’s wider interests.

British Columbia, Canada:

  1. Josephson Angus Barristers (#4737)
    Josephson Angus Barristers are committed, forceful and passionate advocates for our clients’ legal and commercial interests. We recognize that each case is unique. In consultation with each client, we develop effective strategies to deal with the circumstances that the client faces in a particular case and as they affect the client’s wider interests.

  2. Smart & Biggar - Articles (#3345)
    Articles about new developments in all areas of intellectual property and technology law.

Ontario, Canada:

  1. Articles on various topics (#1104)
    from law firm Bereskin & Parr

  2. Canadian Trade-Marks (#2111)
    series of articles from the law firm Keyser Mason Ball


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