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(73 matches found)
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Elderly Persons issues / Dependant adult matters:

Articles/newsletters from law firms - Specific articles:

Alberta, Canada:

  1. What is an Enduring Power of Attorney? And Why Might I Need One? (#3319)
    form Stringam Denecky Law Offices

British Columbia, Canada:

  1. B.C. Adult Guardianship Legislation Update (#3304)
    from the law firm of McLellan Herbert

Ontario, Canada:

  1. Banks and Starkman (#4667)
    Banks and Starkman has been providing individuals and businesses in West Toronto, Mississauga and Brampton with expert legal services for more than 20 years. We strive to maintain a small modern well staffed office with state-of-the-art technology, where personal attention is available promptly at a reasonable cost.

  2. Custody Access: Grandparents’ Rights (#4325)
    from the law firm of Dueck, Sauer, Jutzi & Noll (

  3. Mental Incompetency (#4378)
    from the law firm of Dueck, Sauer, Jutzi & Noll (

Articles/newsletters from law firms - index pages only:


  1. Executive TaxBreaks - articles from Deloitte & Touche (accountants) (#3873)
    index page; topics include: Your Will, Part and Parcel of Your Tax Planning ; Planned Giving for Charities ; Kiddies' Tax (No Kidding!) ; Could Uncle Sam Tax Your Estate? ; Last Call for RRSPs ; Segregated Funds ; Flow-through Shares - Gifts to Charities ; Pot Pourri ; 1998 Marginal Tax Rates ; Funding Post-secondary Education ; Income Splitting ; Flow-through Shares ; Reduce Income Taxes on Your Estate ; RRSP Update ; Need Money? Lend It to Yourself! ; New Seniors Benefit ; Probate Fees ; The More You Give, the More You Save ; Foreign Property Reporting ;Child Support; 1997 Marginal Tax Rates ; Royalty Trusts ; Provincial Taxation ; Registered Education Savings Plans (RESPs) ; Year-End Reminders ; Reducing the Costs of a Post-Secondary Education ; Ontario Tax Cuts ; Freezing RRSP Contributions ; 1996 Quebec Budget ; Prescribed Tax Rate

Ontario, Canada:

  1. Executive TaxBreaks - articles from Deloitte & Touche (accountants) (#3873)
    index page; topics include: Your Will, Part and Parcel of Your Tax Planning ; Planned Giving for Charities ; Kiddies' Tax (No Kidding!) ; Could Uncle Sam Tax Your Estate? ; Last Call for RRSPs ; Segregated Funds ; Flow-through Shares - Gifts to Charities ; Pot Pourri ; 1998 Marginal Tax Rates ; Funding Post-secondary Education ; Income Splitting ; Flow-through Shares ; Reduce Income Taxes on Your Estate ; RRSP Update ; Need Money? Lend It to Yourself! ; New Seniors Benefit ; Probate Fees ; The More You Give, the More You Save ; Foreign Property Reporting ;Child Support; 1997 Marginal Tax Rates ; Royalty Trusts ; Provincial Taxation ; Registered Education Savings Plans (RESPs) ; Year-End Reminders ; Reducing the Costs of a Post-Secondary Education ; Ontario Tax Cuts ; Freezing RRSP Contributions ; 1996 Quebec Budget ; Prescribed Tax Rate

Quebec, Canada:

  1. Executive TaxBreaks - articles from Deloitte & Touche (accountants) (#3873)
    index page; topics include: Your Will, Part and Parcel of Your Tax Planning ; Planned Giving for Charities ; Kiddies' Tax (No Kidding!) ; Could Uncle Sam Tax Your Estate? ; Last Call for RRSPs ; Segregated Funds ; Flow-through Shares - Gifts to Charities ; Pot Pourri ; 1998 Marginal Tax Rates ; Funding Post-secondary Education ; Income Splitting ; Flow-through Shares ; Reduce Income Taxes on Your Estate ; RRSP Update ; Need Money? Lend It to Yourself! ; New Seniors Benefit ; Probate Fees ; The More You Give, the More You Save ; Foreign Property Reporting ;Child Support; 1997 Marginal Tax Rates ; Royalty Trusts ; Provincial Taxation ; Registered Education Savings Plans (RESPs) ; Year-End Reminders ; Reducing the Costs of a Post-Secondary Education ; Ontario Tax Cuts ; Freezing RRSP Contributions ; 1996 Quebec Budget ; Prescribed Tax Rate

Articles/newsletters from others:


  1. Canadian Legal FAQs (#3764)
    general index page to a variety of topics; sponsored by the Alberta Law Foundation

  2. Exploitation des personnes âgée (#3778)
    Subventionné par le Ministère de la Justice du Canada.

Alberta, Canada:

  1. Canadian Legal FAQs (#3764)
    general index page to a variety of topics; sponsored by the Alberta Law Foundation

  2. Dependent Adults Act - Trustees FAQs (#3774)
    answers to a variety of frequently asked questions; sponsored by the Alberta Law Foundation

  3. Exploitation des personnes âgée (#3778)
    Subventionné par le Ministère de la Justice du Canada.

British Columbia, Canada:

  1. Dependent Adults Act - Guardianship FAQs (#3773)
    answers to a variety of frequently asked questions; sponsored by the Alberta Law Foundation

  2. Victoria Elderlaw Centre (#1402)
    articles on various topics

  3. Violence Against Women and other gendered offences (#3601)
    detailed text from the Universtiy of British Columbia Law Students' Legal Advice Program (LSLAP); includes: (1) text, (2) legislation, (3) resources, (4) links

Ontario, Canada:

  1. Cares Homes under the Tenant Protection Act (Ontario) (#3928)
    brief article from the Ontario Rental Housing Tribunal ; The Tenant Protection Act (TPA) recognizes the unique nature of care homes, which include facilities such as retirement residences, homes for special care, group homes, and boarding homes that provide care services.

Quebec, Canada:

  1. Exploitation des personnes âgée (#3778)
    Subventionné par le Ministère de la Justice du Canada.

Articling information for law students:


  1. LexisNexis® Quicklaw® (#191)
    pay $ site - QL has over 1000 searchable databases and bulletin boards of full text judgments from all court levels and many administrative tribunals in Canada, as well as full text databases of legislation, tax and news.

Alberta, Canada:

  1. Parlee McLaws LLP (#2606)
    Parlee McLaws LLP comprises over 100 lawyers who practice in complementary areas of law. Offices in Calgary, Alberta and Edmonton, Alberta.

Caselaw (commentary/analysis/summary):


  1. Mandatory Retirement Upheld by S.C.C. (#3993)
    McKinney v. University of Guelph (1990), 13 C.H.R.R. D/171 (S.C.C.) [Eng./Fr. 146 pp.] ; case summary from the Canadian Human Rights Reporter

Ontario, Canada:

  1. Mandatory Retirement Upheld by S.C.C. (#3993)
    McKinney v. University of Guelph (1990), 13 C.H.R.R. D/171 (S.C.C.) [Eng./Fr. 146 pp.] ; case summary from the Canadian Human Rights Reporter

Caselaw from courts and tribunals:


  1. LexisNexis® Quicklaw® (#191)
    pay $ site - QL has over 1000 searchable databases and bulletin boards of full text judgments from all court levels and many administrative tribunals in Canada, as well as full text databases of legislation, tax and news.



  1. LexisNexis® Quicklaw® (#191)
    pay $ site - QL has over 1000 searchable databases and bulletin boards of full text judgments from all court levels and many administrative tribunals in Canada, as well as full text databases of legislation, tax and news.

Law Firms/Lawyers:


  1. Gorman Nason (#4652)
    121 Germain Street P. O. Box 7286, Station "A" Saint John, New Brunswick Canada


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