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(81 matches found)
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Admiralty / Maritime / Fisheries / Water:

Caselaw from courts and tribunals:


  1. LexisNexis® Quicklaw® (#191)
    pay $ site - QL has over 1000 searchable databases and bulletin boards of full text judgments from all court levels and many administrative tribunals in Canada, as well as full text databases of legislation, tax and news.



  1. LexisNexis® Quicklaw® (#191)
    pay $ site - QL has over 1000 searchable databases and bulletin boards of full text judgments from all court levels and many administrative tribunals in Canada, as well as full text databases of legislation, tax and news.

Government - Departments/agencies/commissions/boards:


  1. Department of Fisheries and Oceans (#788)

  2. Fisheries and Oceans Canada (#2825)

  3. Geometrics Canada - Legal Surveys Division (#1073)
    Government department that has the legislated responsibility to regulate all legal surveys on Canada Lands. Canada Lands include the Yukon and Northwest Territories, over 2300 Indian Reserves, 32 National Parks, 83 National Historic Parks, 1000 National Historic, Sites and the Offshore. Legal Surveys Division is a part of Geomatics Canada which is a part of the Earth Sciences Sector of Natural Resources Canada.

  4. Oceans Canada (#2826)

British Columbia, Canada:

  1. B.C. Fisheries Program (#1074)
    government department that manages fish, fish habitat and sport fishing for the people of British Columbia

  2. British Columbia Ministry of Environment, Lands & Parks (#856)

Northwest Territories, Canada:

  1. Geometrics Canada - Legal Surveys Division (#1073)
    Government department that has the legislated responsibility to regulate all legal surveys on Canada Lands. Canada Lands include the Yukon and Northwest Territories, over 2300 Indian Reserves, 32 National Parks, 83 National Historic Parks, 1000 National Historic, Sites and the Offshore. Legal Surveys Division is a part of Geomatics Canada which is a part of the Earth Sciences Sector of Natural Resources Canada.

Nova Scotia, Canada:

  1. Nova Scotia - PAAL Directory (#1451)
    Contains information on more than 390 licences, permits, registrations, certifications, and related services administered by Departments and Agencies of the Province of Nova Scotia, Canada.

Nunavut, Canada:

  1. Geometrics Canada - Legal Surveys Division (#1073)
    Government department that has the legislated responsibility to regulate all legal surveys on Canada Lands. Canada Lands include the Yukon and Northwest Territories, over 2300 Indian Reserves, 32 National Parks, 83 National Historic Parks, 1000 National Historic, Sites and the Offshore. Legal Surveys Division is a part of Geomatics Canada which is a part of the Earth Sciences Sector of Natural Resources Canada.

Yukon, Canada:

  1. Geometrics Canada - Legal Surveys Division (#1073)
    Government department that has the legislated responsibility to regulate all legal surveys on Canada Lands. Canada Lands include the Yukon and Northwest Territories, over 2300 Indian Reserves, 32 National Parks, 83 National Historic Parks, 1000 National Historic, Sites and the Offshore. Legal Surveys Division is a part of Geomatics Canada which is a part of the Earth Sciences Sector of Natural Resources Canada.

Government - Notices/Parliamentary documents:


  1. Canada Gazette (#95)
    official publication of the Federal Government of Canada containing official notices (check for you particular area of the law)

Law Firms/Lawyers:


  1. McCarthy Tétrault (#2149)

Alberta, Canada:

  1. McCarthy Tétrault (#2149)

British Columbia, Canada:

  1. Bernard LLP (#5156)
    Bernard LLP is a law firm in Vancouver, British Columbia. Practice Areas: Admiralty and Maritime, Insurance, Litigation, Business Law, Environmental, Employment Law, Health Law, Occupational Health and Safety, Personal Injury.

  2. Campney & Murphy (#2548)

  3. Cohen Buchan Edwards LLP (#5315)
    Cohen Buchan Edwards LLP is a law firm in Richmond, British Columbia. More than 30 years of service. Practice Areas: General Litigation, Business Law, Family Law, Estate Planning, Estate Disputes, Commercial Lending, Personal Injury, Real Estate, Maritime Law, Employment Law, Immigration Law, Dispute Resolution

  4. Edwards, Kenny & Bray (#3544)

  5. McCarthy Tétrault (#2149)

New Brunswick, Canada:

  1. Cox Hanson O'Reilly Matheson (#3240)

  2. Stewart McKelvey Stirling Scales (#3281)

Newfoundland, Canada:

  1. Cox Hanson O'Reilly Matheson (#3240)

  2. Stewart McKelvey Stirling Scales (#3281)

  3. White, Ottenheimer & Baker (#2496)

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