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(177 matches found)
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First Nations / Native / Aboriginal:


Ontario, Canada:

  1. Indigenous Bar Association (#3580)

Quebec, Canada:

  1. Indigenous Bar Association (#3580)

Saskatchewan, Canada:

  1. Indigenous Bar Association (#3580)

Yukon, Canada:

  1. Indigenous Bar Association (#3580)

Caselaw (commentary/analysis/summary):


  1. Legal Updates (#3861)
    updates on a variety of topics

Caselaw from courts and tribunals:


  1. Canadian Native Law Cases (#1023)
    from the University of Saskatchewan

  2. LexisNexis® Quicklaw® (#191)
    pay $ site - QL has over 1000 searchable databases and bulletin boards of full text judgments from all court levels and many administrative tribunals in Canada, as well as full text databases of legislation, tax and news.

  3. Selected Caselaw from the Supreme Court of Canada (#3581)
    from the Indigenous Bar Association

Saskatchewan, Canada:

  1. Canadian Native Law Cases (#1023)
    from the University of Saskatchewan

Continuing Legal Education:


  1. Indigenous Bar Association (#3580)

  2. The Canadian Institute (#4669)
    The Canadian Institute is Canada's largest provider of professional development and continuing education programmes for senior business executives, lawyers & other professionals. Staffed by lawyers and other professionals, it operates as a "think tank", monitoring trends and developments in law, finance, the environment, insurance, financial services, energy, management, government, banking, health care and public policy and much more!

Alberta, Canada:

  1. Indigenous Bar Association (#3580)

  2. The Canadian Institute (#4669)
    The Canadian Institute is Canada's largest provider of professional development and continuing education programmes for senior business executives, lawyers & other professionals. Staffed by lawyers and other professionals, it operates as a "think tank", monitoring trends and developments in law, finance, the environment, insurance, financial services, energy, management, government, banking, health care and public policy and much more!

British Columbia, Canada:

  1. Indigenous Bar Association (#3580)

  2. The Canadian Institute (#4669)
    The Canadian Institute is Canada's largest provider of professional development and continuing education programmes for senior business executives, lawyers & other professionals. Staffed by lawyers and other professionals, it operates as a "think tank", monitoring trends and developments in law, finance, the environment, insurance, financial services, energy, management, government, banking, health care and public policy and much more!

Manitoba, Canada:

  1. Indigenous Bar Association (#3580)

New Brunswick, Canada:

  1. Indigenous Bar Association (#3580)

Nova Scotia, Canada:

  1. The Canadian Institute (#4669)
    The Canadian Institute is Canada's largest provider of professional development and continuing education programmes for senior business executives, lawyers & other professionals. Staffed by lawyers and other professionals, it operates as a "think tank", monitoring trends and developments in law, finance, the environment, insurance, financial services, energy, management, government, banking, health care and public policy and much more!

Ontario, Canada:

  1. Indigenous Bar Association (#3580)

  2. The Canadian Institute (#4669)
    The Canadian Institute is Canada's largest provider of professional development and continuing education programmes for senior business executives, lawyers & other professionals. Staffed by lawyers and other professionals, it operates as a "think tank", monitoring trends and developments in law, finance, the environment, insurance, financial services, energy, management, government, banking, health care and public policy and much more!

Quebec, Canada:

  1. Indigenous Bar Association (#3580)

  2. The Canadian Institute (#4669)
    The Canadian Institute is Canada's largest provider of professional development and continuing education programmes for senior business executives, lawyers & other professionals. Staffed by lawyers and other professionals, it operates as a "think tank", monitoring trends and developments in law, finance, the environment, insurance, financial services, energy, management, government, banking, health care and public policy and much more!

Saskatchewan, Canada:

  1. Indigenous Bar Association (#3580)

Yukon, Canada:

  1. Indigenous Bar Association (#3580)

Courts and tribunals and boards:


  1. Canadian Human Rights Tribunal (#773)

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