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(36 matches found)
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Feminist Legal Theory / Women issues:

Law Firms/Lawyers:

South Africa:

  1. Find an Attorney (South Africa) (#4744)
    Attorney, Lawyer and Law Directory - South Africa. Each attorney listed by specialization, legal expertise and background.

Law Firms/Lawyers - other (indexes):

South Africa:

  1. Find an Attorney (South Africa) (#4744)
    Attorney, Lawyer and Law Directory - South Africa. Each attorney listed by specialization, legal expertise and background.

Law journals & newsletters (academic):

United Kingdom:

  1. Feminist Legal Studies (#796)
    leading European journal of feminist legal studies, with special interests in both the application of law to women's issues, and contemporary debates in feminist legal theory

Laws/statutes/regulations/rules/policies - index pages:


  1. LexisNexis® Quicklaw® (#191)
    pay $ site - QL has over 1000 searchable databases and bulletin boards of full text judgments from all court levels and many administrative tribunals in Canada, as well as full text databases of legislation, tax and news.

Laws/statutes/regulations/rules/policies - specific links:


  1. LexisNexis® Quicklaw® (#191)
    pay $ site - QL has over 1000 searchable databases and bulletin boards of full text judgments from all court levels and many administrative tribunals in Canada, as well as full text databases of legislation, tax and news.

Poverty law / legal aid:

British Columbia, Canada:

  1. UBC Law Students' Legal Advice Program (#3595)
    University of British Columbia

Public Education groups:


  1. The Women's Legal Education and Action Fund (#3657)
    national non-profit organization working to promote equality for women and girls in Canada. Using the equality provisions from section 15 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms as a basis to advance women's rights, LEAF presents arguments, or intervenes, in cases where women's rights are at risk in Canadian courts.

British Columbia, Canada:

  1. West Coast Women's Legal Education and Action Fund (#3656)
    West Coast LEAF works to advance women's equality rights in Canada.

Research Centres:


  1. LexisNexis® Quicklaw® (#191)
    pay $ site - QL has over 1000 searchable databases and bulletin boards of full text judgments from all court levels and many administrative tribunals in Canada, as well as full text databases of legislation, tax and news.

Search engines / web links:

British Columbia, Canada:

  1. Violence Against Women and other gendered offences (#3601)
    detailed text from the Universtiy of British Columbia Law Students' Legal Advice Program (LSLAP); includes: (1) text, (2) legislation, (3) resources, (4) links

Ontario, Canada:

  1. Women's Human Rights Resources (#940)
    (part of Bora Laskin Law Library web site)

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