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(284 matches found)
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Computers & Technology - general:

Articles/newsletters from law firms - index pages only:

Ontario, Canada:

  1. McCarthy Tétrault - Publications (#389)
    Articles on various topics including: Business Disputes; Business Law; Commercial Leasing; Environmental and Municipal; Estates and Trusts; High Tech Law; Insurance; Intellectual Property; Labour and Employment; Real Estate; Securities; Telecommunications; Trade Law; of International Interest; and other

  2. Papers and Publications By Our Lawyers (#2338)
    Lancaster, Mix & Welch

  3. Publications from Karas & Associates (#2043)
    word processing files on various topics including: The Live-In Caregiver Program; Refugee Determination Policy And Procedure Highlights; Temporary Entry For Business Persons North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA); Immigration to Canada for Professional Engineers; Temporary Entry to Canada for Software Professionals

  4. The Fasken Alert! (#3104)
    from Fasken Campbell Godfrey - variety of topics covered

Quebec, Canada:

  1. McCarthy Tétrault - Publications (#389)
    Articles on various topics including: Business Disputes; Business Law; Commercial Leasing; Environmental and Municipal; Estates and Trusts; High Tech Law; Insurance; Intellectual Property; Labour and Employment; Real Estate; Securities; Telecommunications; Trade Law; of International Interest; and other

United Kingdom:

  1. McCarthy Tétrault - Publications (#389)
    Articles on various topics including: Business Disputes; Business Law; Commercial Leasing; Environmental and Municipal; Estates and Trusts; High Tech Law; Insurance; Intellectual Property; Labour and Employment; Real Estate; Securities; Telecommunications; Trade Law; of International Interest; and other

Articles/newsletters from others:


  1. Canadian Internet Law Resource Page (#351)
    Detailed site covering a broad range of topics relating to internet law in Canada; includes information on case law, legislation, government reports, conferences, and other resources. Topics include: Anonymity; Banking; Consumer Protection; Criminal; Cryptography; Dispute Resolution; Domain Names; Electronic Commerce; Free Speech; General Internet; Government Regulation; Health Care; Intellectual Property; Jurisdiction; Labour and Workplace; Privacy; Securities; Taxation; Torts; Unsolicited Email.

  2. Computer Software Law in Canada (#1695)
    The information contained in this article was provided by Philip B. Kerr, an Ottawa, Ontario lawyer whose practice is restricted to patent, trademark, copyright and computer law.

  3. Copyright FAQs (#3769)
    answers to a variety of frequently asked questions; sponsored by the Sandra Garvie Memorial Fund.

  4. Legal Group for the Internet in Canada ("LoGIC") (#274)
    The Legal Group for the Internet in Canada ("LoGIC") is a conduit for the exchange of information and ideas about policies concerning emerging communication and information technologies. We are devoted to ensuring informed public, legislative, and regulatory responses to these technologies, which at present are manifest most profoundly in the Internet. They want to ensure that new laws and regulations have no detrimental effects on the free and interactive communication of information. Their work focuses on four broad areas of activity relating to their goals: 1.Dissemination of information about legislative, jurisprudential, and political developments in Canada.; 2.Research and commentary about legislative, jurisprudential, and political developments in Canada. ; 3.Participation in the shaping of Canadian law and public policy to new developments. ; 4.Monitoring of, and participation in, criminal and civil cases in the Canadian legal system.

  5. The Electronic Superhighway: the shape of technology and law to come (#966)
    papers from a conference held at Montreal on Friday, May 13, 1994 [Date: May, 1994]

  6. Voluntary Codes Guide (#651)
    Links to voluntary codes of conduct of various industries/organizations in Canada and around the world. Canada's Office of Consumer Affairs (OCA), Industry Canada.

Alberta, Canada:

  1. Copyright FAQs (#3769)
    answers to a variety of frequently asked questions; sponsored by the Sandra Garvie Memorial Fund.

Ontario, Canada:

  1. Computer Software Law in Canada (#1695)
    The information contained in this article was provided by Philip B. Kerr, an Ottawa, Ontario lawyer whose practice is restricted to patent, trademark, copyright and computer law.

  2. Net Beat by Lewis S. Eisen, B.A., LL.B. (#870)
    Author Lewis S. Eisen leads Lawyers Weekly readers through an exploration of developments on the Internet. Watch for pointers to new websites, announcements of new resources and analyses of issues such as security, electronic commerce and computer-telephony, and their implications for the practice of law.

Quebec, Canada:

  1. LLM Masters thesis (#862)
    La propriété intellectuelle et les nouvelles technologies: à la recherche de la clef de l'innovation (Lucie Guibault, Université de Montréal, 1994, 150 p.)

  2. The Electronic Superhighway: the shape of technology and law to come (#966)
    papers from a conference held at Montreal on Friday, May 13, 1994 [Date: May, 1994]


  1. Voluntary Codes Guide (#651)
    Links to voluntary codes of conduct of various industries/organizations in Canada and around the world. Canada's Office of Consumer Affairs (OCA), Industry Canada.

Articling information for law students:


  1. LexisNexis® Quicklaw® (#191)
    pay $ site - QL has over 1000 searchable databases and bulletin boards of full text judgments from all court levels and many administrative tribunals in Canada, as well as full text databases of legislation, tax and news.

Alberta, Canada:

  1. Lawson Lundell LLP (#3566)
    Lawson Lundell LLP has occupied a prominent place in the legal profession in British Columbia for over 90 years and is pre-eminent in the areas of business law. The firm's 100 lawyers represent businesses, both large and small, Canadian and international, in many different industries from natural resources to technology law. We have offices in Vancouver (British Columbia), Calgary (Alberta), and Yellowknife (Northwest Territories)

  2. Parlee McLaws LLP (#2606)
    Parlee McLaws LLP comprises over 100 lawyers who practice in complementary areas of law. Offices in Calgary, Alberta and Edmonton, Alberta.

British Columbia, Canada:

  1. Lawson Lundell LLP (#3566)
    Lawson Lundell LLP has occupied a prominent place in the legal profession in British Columbia for over 90 years and is pre-eminent in the areas of business law. The firm's 100 lawyers represent businesses, both large and small, Canadian and international, in many different industries from natural resources to technology law. We have offices in Vancouver (British Columbia), Calgary (Alberta), and Yellowknife (Northwest Territories)

Northwest Territories, Canada:

  1. Lawson Lundell LLP (#3566)
    Lawson Lundell LLP has occupied a prominent place in the legal profession in British Columbia for over 90 years and is pre-eminent in the areas of business law. The firm's 100 lawyers represent businesses, both large and small, Canadian and international, in many different industries from natural resources to technology law. We have offices in Vancouver (British Columbia), Calgary (Alberta), and Yellowknife (Northwest Territories)



  1. Canadian IT Law Association / L'Association canadienne du droit des technologies (#4059)
    The Canadian IT Law Association / L'Association canadienne du droit des technologies de l'information (IT.can) is a non-profit federal corporation which brings together Canadian practitioners in the field of Information Technology law.

  2. Canadian Society for the Advancement of Legal Technology (#122)
    CSALT offers news and information about legal office technology that is specifically aimed at Canadian lawyers.

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