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(165 matches found)
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Product Liability:

Government - Departments/agencies/commissions/boards:


  1. Voluntary Codes Guide (#651)
    Links to voluntary codes of conduct of various industries/organizations in Canada and around the world. Canada's Office of Consumer Affairs (OCA), Industry Canada.

Government - Municipalities/Cities/Towns:


  1. The Canadian Institute (#4669)
    The Canadian Institute is Canada's largest provider of professional development and continuing education programmes for senior business executives, lawyers & other professionals. Staffed by lawyers and other professionals, it operates as a "think tank", monitoring trends and developments in law, finance, the environment, insurance, financial services, energy, management, government, banking, health care and public policy and much more!

Alberta, Canada:

  1. The Canadian Institute (#4669)
    The Canadian Institute is Canada's largest provider of professional development and continuing education programmes for senior business executives, lawyers & other professionals. Staffed by lawyers and other professionals, it operates as a "think tank", monitoring trends and developments in law, finance, the environment, insurance, financial services, energy, management, government, banking, health care and public policy and much more!

British Columbia, Canada:

  1. The Canadian Institute (#4669)
    The Canadian Institute is Canada's largest provider of professional development and continuing education programmes for senior business executives, lawyers & other professionals. Staffed by lawyers and other professionals, it operates as a "think tank", monitoring trends and developments in law, finance, the environment, insurance, financial services, energy, management, government, banking, health care and public policy and much more!

Nova Scotia, Canada:

  1. The Canadian Institute (#4669)
    The Canadian Institute is Canada's largest provider of professional development and continuing education programmes for senior business executives, lawyers & other professionals. Staffed by lawyers and other professionals, it operates as a "think tank", monitoring trends and developments in law, finance, the environment, insurance, financial services, energy, management, government, banking, health care and public policy and much more!

Ontario, Canada:

  1. The Canadian Institute (#4669)
    The Canadian Institute is Canada's largest provider of professional development and continuing education programmes for senior business executives, lawyers & other professionals. Staffed by lawyers and other professionals, it operates as a "think tank", monitoring trends and developments in law, finance, the environment, insurance, financial services, energy, management, government, banking, health care and public policy and much more!

Quebec, Canada:

  1. The Canadian Institute (#4669)
    The Canadian Institute is Canada's largest provider of professional development and continuing education programmes for senior business executives, lawyers & other professionals. Staffed by lawyers and other professionals, it operates as a "think tank", monitoring trends and developments in law, finance, the environment, insurance, financial services, energy, management, government, banking, health care and public policy and much more!

Government - Notices/Parliamentary documents:


  1. Canada Gazette (#95)
    official publication of the Federal Government of Canada containing official notices (check for you particular area of the law)

Jobs / Legal Careers:


  1. The Canadian Institute (#4669)
    The Canadian Institute is Canada's largest provider of professional development and continuing education programmes for senior business executives, lawyers & other professionals. Staffed by lawyers and other professionals, it operates as a "think tank", monitoring trends and developments in law, finance, the environment, insurance, financial services, energy, management, government, banking, health care and public policy and much more!

Alberta, Canada:

  1. The Canadian Institute (#4669)
    The Canadian Institute is Canada's largest provider of professional development and continuing education programmes for senior business executives, lawyers & other professionals. Staffed by lawyers and other professionals, it operates as a "think tank", monitoring trends and developments in law, finance, the environment, insurance, financial services, energy, management, government, banking, health care and public policy and much more!

British Columbia, Canada:

  1. The Canadian Institute (#4669)
    The Canadian Institute is Canada's largest provider of professional development and continuing education programmes for senior business executives, lawyers & other professionals. Staffed by lawyers and other professionals, it operates as a "think tank", monitoring trends and developments in law, finance, the environment, insurance, financial services, energy, management, government, banking, health care and public policy and much more!

Nova Scotia, Canada:

  1. The Canadian Institute (#4669)
    The Canadian Institute is Canada's largest provider of professional development and continuing education programmes for senior business executives, lawyers & other professionals. Staffed by lawyers and other professionals, it operates as a "think tank", monitoring trends and developments in law, finance, the environment, insurance, financial services, energy, management, government, banking, health care and public policy and much more!

Ontario, Canada:

  1. The Canadian Institute (#4669)
    The Canadian Institute is Canada's largest provider of professional development and continuing education programmes for senior business executives, lawyers & other professionals. Staffed by lawyers and other professionals, it operates as a "think tank", monitoring trends and developments in law, finance, the environment, insurance, financial services, energy, management, government, banking, health care and public policy and much more!

Quebec, Canada:

  1. The Canadian Institute (#4669)
    The Canadian Institute is Canada's largest provider of professional development and continuing education programmes for senior business executives, lawyers & other professionals. Staffed by lawyers and other professionals, it operates as a "think tank", monitoring trends and developments in law, finance, the environment, insurance, financial services, energy, management, government, banking, health care and public policy and much more!

Law Firms/Lawyers:


  1. Foster & Company (#4681)
    Foster & Company is a firm of litigation lawyers whose mandate is to "provide unequalled litigation and other legal services, in both English and French, to corporations and individuals throughout the Province of New Brunswick.

  2. Gorman Nason (#4652)
    121 Germain Street P. O. Box 7286, Station "A" Saint John, New Brunswick Canada

  3. Josephson Angus Barristers (#4737)
    Josephson Angus Barristers are committed, forceful and passionate advocates for our clients’ legal and commercial interests. We recognize that each case is unique. In consultation with each client, we develop effective strategies to deal with the circumstances that the client faces in a particular case and as they affect the client’s wider interests.

  4. McCarthy Tétrault (#2149)

  5. Tarrabain O'Byrne & Company (#4686)
    Full service law office providing excellent representation in matters of criminal law, personal injury, appeals, real estate, wills and general civil litigation.

Alberta, Canada:

  1. Burnet, Duckworth & Palmer (#2642)

  2. Canmore Legal Services - Schneider Law Office (#2691)

  3. Carscallen LLP (#5046)
    Carscallen LLP is a full-service law firm in Calgary, Alberta. {Practice Areas:} [* Banking and Financial Services * Charities and Not For Profit Organizations * Commercial Litigation * Commercial Real Estate and Leasing * Construction Law * Corporate and Commercial Transactions * Corporate Governance * Employment and Labour * Insurance and Tort Liability * Intellectual Property * Matrimonial Law * Mergers, Acquisitions & Divestitures * Oil and Gas/Energy * Personal Injury * Product Liability Litigation * Professional Liability * Regulatory Advocacy * Restructuring Bankruptcy & Insolvency * Securities and Corporate Finance * Securities Litigation * Wills, Trusts, Estates, Tax and Wealth Management]

  4. Cook Duke Cox (#2545)
    now part of Miller Thomson

  5. Field LLP, Barristers and Solicitors (#2580)

  6. Macleod Dixon (#2653)

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