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(174 matches found)
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Business - Purchase/sale/merger/M&A of business:

Law Firms/Lawyers:

Alberta, Canada:

  1. Bishop & McKenzie LLP (#2537)
    Bishop & McKenzie LLP is a diversified law firm founded in 1903, offering a wide range of legal services. With offices in Edmonton and Calgary, Bishop & McKenzie LLP works with a vast variety of businesses and individuals throughout Alberta, and across Canada.

  2. Burnet, Duckworth & Palmer (#2642)

  3. Canmore Legal Services - Schneider Law Office (#2691)

  4. Carscallen LLP (#5046)
    Carscallen LLP is a full-service law firm in Calgary, Alberta. {Practice Areas:} [* Banking and Financial Services * Charities and Not For Profit Organizations * Commercial Litigation * Commercial Real Estate and Leasing * Construction Law * Corporate and Commercial Transactions * Corporate Governance * Employment and Labour * Insurance and Tort Liability * Intellectual Property * Matrimonial Law * Mergers, Acquisitions & Divestitures * Oil and Gas/Energy * Personal Injury * Product Liability Litigation * Professional Liability * Regulatory Advocacy * Restructuring Bankruptcy & Insolvency * Securities and Corporate Finance * Securities Litigation * Wills, Trusts, Estates, Tax and Wealth Management]

  5. Cohen LLP / Cohen Horvat (#5326)
    Cohen LLP is a law firm in Toronto, Ontario. Cohen Horvat, Barristers and Solicilators, is the office in Calgary, Alberta. Practice Areas: Real Estate Law, Corporate Finance, Trusts, Wills, Power of Attorney, Incorporation, Estate and Probate, Privacy Law, Mergers and Acquisitions, Commercial Agreements.

  6. Emery Jamieson (#2629)

  7. Lawson Lundell LLP (#3566)
    Lawson Lundell LLP has occupied a prominent place in the legal profession in British Columbia for over 90 years and is pre-eminent in the areas of business law. The firm's 100 lawyers represent businesses, both large and small, Canadian and international, in many different industries from natural resources to technology law. We have offices in Vancouver (British Columbia), Calgary (Alberta), and Yellowknife (Northwest Territories)

  8. Macleod Dixon (#2653)

  9. McCarthy Tétrault (#2149)

  10. Neufeld Legal Professional Corporation (#5309)
    Neufeld Legal Professional Corporation is a business law firm in Calgary, Alberta. Practice Areas: Business, Franchise Law, Financing & Banking, Employment Law, Commercial Real Estate, Merger & Acquisition.

  11. Nickerson Roberts (#2590)

  12. Ogilivie and Company (#2627)

  13. Parlee McLaws LLP (#2606)
    Parlee McLaws LLP comprises over 100 lawyers who practice in complementary areas of law. Offices in Calgary, Alberta and Edmonton, Alberta.

  14. Pooli & Mah (#2596)

  15. Szabo & Company (#2682)
    Szabo & Company -- Tax and Business Lawyers; Calgary AB, Canada.

British Columbia, Canada:

  1. Baker Newby (#3015)

  2. Campney & Murphy (#2548)

  3. Gordon & Velletta (#3025)
    Gordon & Velletta. Victoria, BC, Canada.

  4. Lang Michener (#4162)
    one of Canada’s leading business law firms, with more than 150 lawyers practising in Toronto, Ottawa and Vancouver.; memver of TerraLex

  5. Lawson Lundell LLP (#3566)
    Lawson Lundell LLP has occupied a prominent place in the legal profession in British Columbia for over 90 years and is pre-eminent in the areas of business law. The firm's 100 lawyers represent businesses, both large and small, Canadian and international, in many different industries from natural resources to technology law. We have offices in Vancouver (British Columbia), Calgary (Alberta), and Yellowknife (Northwest Territories)

  6. Lindsay Kenney LLP (#3048)
    Over 35 years as a metro Vancouver business law firm.

  7. MacMillan, Tucker & Mackay (#3258)
    law firm; Surrey (Cloverdale), BC, Canada.

  8. Maxis Law Corporation (#5285)
    Maxis Law Corporation is a boutique Vancouver (British Columbia) law firm that specializes in securities law, mergers and acquisitions, corporate and business law. Practice Areas: Corporate Finance and Securities, Mergers and Acquisitions, Going Public and Stock Exchange Listings, Public Company Compliance, Dealer and Underwriter Representation, Corporate Law, Corporate Governance, Business and Commercial Law, Mining Law, Oil and Gas, Technology and Life Sciences, Start-Ups and Venture Capital.

  9. McCarthy Tétrault (#2149)

  10. Peterson Stark Scott - Barristers & Solicitors (#4417)
    Peterson Stark Scott provides law services to individuals and companies in British Columbia, with offices in Vancouver and Surrey.

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