(192 matches found)
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Legal suppliers - hardware/software:
Civil Litigation - Small Claims/Simplified procdre:
- Michael J. Semple Barrister & Solicitor
www.michaelsemple.com (#4690)- A general practice covering most areas of law, with an emphasis on civil litigation, business law and personal legal matters; including wrongful dismissal & employment law, contracts, debt collection, real estate, wills & estates, and mediation.
- Supreme Basics - Legal Products
www.supremebasics.com/en/catalogue/category.html?C1=29 (#511)- offers a comprehensive line of products available to the practicing lawyer.
Manitoba, Canada:
- Supreme Basics - Legal Products
www.supremebasics.com/en/catalogue/category.html?C1=29 (#511)- offers a comprehensive line of products available to the practicing lawyer.
New Brunswick, Canada:
- Supreme Basics - Legal Products
www.supremebasics.com/en/catalogue/category.html?C1=29 (#511)- offers a comprehensive line of products available to the practicing lawyer.
- Supreme Basics - Legal Products
www.supremebasics.com/en/catalogue/category.html?C1=29 (#511)- offers a comprehensive line of products available to the practicing lawyer.
Nova Scotia, Canada:
- Supreme Basics - Legal Products
www.supremebasics.com/en/catalogue/category.html?C1=29 (#511)- offers a comprehensive line of products available to the practicing lawyer.
Ontario, Canada:
- Michael J. Semple Barrister & Solicitor
www.michaelsemple.com (#4690)- A general practice covering most areas of law, with an emphasis on civil litigation, business law and personal legal matters; including wrongful dismissal & employment law, contracts, debt collection, real estate, wills & estates, and mediation.
- Supreme Basics - Legal Products
www.supremebasics.com/en/catalogue/category.html?C1=29 (#511)- offers a comprehensive line of products available to the practicing lawyer.
Prince Edward Island, Canada:
- Supreme Basics - Legal Products
www.supremebasics.com/en/catalogue/category.html?C1=29 (#511)- offers a comprehensive line of products available to the practicing lawyer.
Computers - Y2K:
- Michael J. Semple Barrister & Solicitor
www.michaelsemple.com (#4690)- A general practice covering most areas of law, with an emphasis on civil litigation, business law and personal legal matters; including wrongful dismissal & employment law, contracts, debt collection, real estate, wills & estates, and mediation.
Ontario, Canada:
- Lewis S. Eisen
www.magmacom.com/~leisen/index.html (#348)- Computer Training and Consulting
- Michael J. Semple Barrister & Solicitor
www.michaelsemple.com (#4690)- A general practice covering most areas of law, with an emphasis on civil litigation, business law and personal legal matters; including wrongful dismissal & employment law, contracts, debt collection, real estate, wills & estates, and mediation.
Computers & Technology - general:
- Michael J. Semple Barrister & Solicitor
www.michaelsemple.com (#4690)- A general practice covering most areas of law, with an emphasis on civil litigation, business law and personal legal matters; including wrongful dismissal & employment law, contracts, debt collection, real estate, wills & estates, and mediation.
Ontario, Canada:
- Lewis S. Eisen
www.magmacom.com/~leisen/index.html (#348)- Computer Training and Consulting
- Michael J. Semple Barrister & Solicitor
www.michaelsemple.com (#4690)- A general practice covering most areas of law, with an emphasis on civil litigation, business law and personal legal matters; including wrongful dismissal & employment law, contracts, debt collection, real estate, wills & estates, and mediation.
Constitutional / Charter of Rights:
- Michael J. Semple Barrister & Solicitor
www.michaelsemple.com (#4690)- A general practice covering most areas of law, with an emphasis on civil litigation, business law and personal legal matters; including wrongful dismissal & employment law, contracts, debt collection, real estate, wills & estates, and mediation.
Ontario, Canada:
- Michael J. Semple Barrister & Solicitor
www.michaelsemple.com (#4690)- A general practice covering most areas of law, with an emphasis on civil litigation, business law and personal legal matters; including wrongful dismissal & employment law, contracts, debt collection, real estate, wills & estates, and mediation.
Construction / Architectural / Engineering:
- Michael J. Semple Barrister & Solicitor
www.michaelsemple.com (#4690)- A general practice covering most areas of law, with an emphasis on civil litigation, business law and personal legal matters; including wrongful dismissal & employment law, contracts, debt collection, real estate, wills & estates, and mediation.
Ontario, Canada:
- Michael J. Semple Barrister & Solicitor
www.michaelsemple.com (#4690)- A general practice covering most areas of law, with an emphasis on civil litigation, business law and personal legal matters; including wrongful dismissal & employment law, contracts, debt collection, real estate, wills & estates, and mediation.
Consumer Protection:
- Michael J. Semple Barrister & Solicitor
www.michaelsemple.com (#4690)- A general practice covering most areas of law, with an emphasis on civil litigation, business law and personal legal matters; including wrongful dismissal & employment law, contracts, debt collection, real estate, wills & estates, and mediation.
Ontario, Canada:
- Michael J. Semple Barrister & Solicitor
www.michaelsemple.com (#4690)- A general practice covering most areas of law, with an emphasis on civil litigation, business law and personal legal matters; including wrongful dismissal & employment law, contracts, debt collection, real estate, wills & estates, and mediation.
Contests / Gaming / Casinos:
- Michael J. Semple Barrister & Solicitor
www.michaelsemple.com (#4690)- A general practice covering most areas of law, with an emphasis on civil litigation, business law and personal legal matters; including wrongful dismissal & employment law, contracts, debt collection, real estate, wills & estates, and mediation.
Ontario, Canada:
- Michael J. Semple Barrister & Solicitor
www.michaelsemple.com (#4690)- A general practice covering most areas of law, with an emphasis on civil litigation, business law and personal legal matters; including wrongful dismissal & employment law, contracts, debt collection, real estate, wills & estates, and mediation.
- Michael J. Semple Barrister & Solicitor
www.michaelsemple.com (#4690)- A general practice covering most areas of law, with an emphasis on civil litigation, business law and personal legal matters; including wrongful dismissal & employment law, contracts, debt collection, real estate, wills & estates, and mediation.
Ontario, Canada:
- Michael J. Semple Barrister & Solicitor
www.michaelsemple.com (#4690)- A general practice covering most areas of law, with an emphasis on civil litigation, business law and personal legal matters; including wrongful dismissal & employment law, contracts, debt collection, real estate, wills & estates, and mediation.
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