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Government - Departments/agencies/commissions/boards:

Business -- general -- corporate / commercial:

Nova Scotia, Canada:

  1. Nova Scotia - Registry of Joint Stock Companies (#2822)
    official government web site - If you plan to do business or start a Society in Nova Scotia, or you're simply interested in finding general information about an existing company or society, the Registry should be one of your first stops.

  2. Nova Scotia - Registry of Joint Stock Companies (#1427)
    official government web page - If you plan to do business or start a society in Nova Scotia--or if you're just interested in finding out about an existing company or society--the Registry database should be one of your first stops.

Ontario, Canada:

  1. Corporate Freedom Of Information And Privacy Office (#1273)
    official government web site

  2. Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations (#823)

  3. Ontario - Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations (#2819)
    also includes information about business information, land registry/liens, birth certificates

Prince Edward Island, Canada:

  1. Prince Edward Island - Consumer Services (#2823)
    Department of Justice and Public Safety website of the Consumer Services. Consumer Services administers consumer protection legislation for the province of Prince Edward Island


  1. Voluntary Codes Guide (#651)
    Links to voluntary codes of conduct of various industries/organizations in Canada and around the world. Canada's Office of Consumer Affairs (OCA), Industry Canada.

Business - Directors/officers duties/liability:


  1. Voluntary Codes Guide (#651)
    Links to voluntary codes of conduct of various industries/organizations in Canada and around the world. Canada's Office of Consumer Affairs (OCA), Industry Canada.

Ontario, Canada:

  1. Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations (#823)


  1. Voluntary Codes Guide (#651)
    Links to voluntary codes of conduct of various industries/organizations in Canada and around the world. Canada's Office of Consumer Affairs (OCA), Industry Canada.

Business - Incorporation - federal:


  1. Corporations Directorate - Notices (#625)
    Notices on various topics relating to federally incorporated companies

  2. Industry Canada locations throughout Canada (#605)
    Regional Offices of Industry Canada; telephone numbers and addresses
    [Date: June, 1998]

  3. Services Offered by the Corporations Directorate of Industry Canada (#606)
    start here for information on federal corporations
    [Date: January, 1997]

Business - Incorporation - provincial:

Alberta, Canada:

  1. Alberta - Corporate Registry (#2817)
    official government web site

British Columbia, Canada:

  1. British Columbia Corporate Registry (#2816)
    The Corporate Registry provides the legal framework and files documents for the incorporation, registration, maintenance & dissolution of companies, Societies & Cooperatives doing business or active in British Columbia. This information is made available to the public.

Manitoba, Canada:

  1. Manitoba - business resource centre (#2818)
    offiical government web site - articles on a variety of topics (select "Index" on each page for further information)

  2. Manitoba - Department of Consumer & Corporate Affairs (#928)
    at this site click on "Index" for detailed list - list of the statutues that is the responsibility of this department and the services offered in that particular area

  3. Manitoba - Department of Consumer & Corporate Affairs (#928)
    at this site click on "Index" for detailed list - list of the statutues that is the responsibility of this department and the services offered in that particular area

Nova Scotia, Canada:

  1. Nova Scotia - Registry of Joint Stock Companies (#1427)
    official government web page - If you plan to do business or start a society in Nova Scotia--or if you're just interested in finding out about an existing company or society--the Registry database should be one of your first stops.

Ontario, Canada:

  1. Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations (#823)

  2. Ontario - Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations (#2819)
    also includes information about business information, land registry/liens, birth certificates

Civil Litigation -- General:

Manitoba, Canada:

  1. Manitoba Court Registry System (#358)

Ontario, Canada:

  1. Integrated Justice Project (IJP) - Ontario (#1288)
    Ontario government project to bring together all parts of Ontario’s justice system and getting rid of repetition, gaps and delays

Communications / Media / Broadcasting:


  1. CBC's Marketplace (#652)

  2. CRTC (#69)
    Official web site for the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunicaitons Commission

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