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(42 matches found)
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Law schools - general:

Alt. Dispute Resolution / Arbitration / Mediation:


  1. Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School (#335)

Banking / Finance:

United Kingdom:

  1. Centre for Commercial Law Studies (United Kingdom) (#717)
    the focal point in the United Kingdom for advanced teaching and research in commercial law

Business -- general -- corporate / commercial:

United Kingdom:

  1. Centre for Commercial Law Studies (United Kingdom) (#717)
    the focal point in the United Kingdom for advanced teaching and research in commercial law

Intellectual Property -- General:

United Kingdom:

  1. Centre for Commercial Law Studies (United Kingdom) (#717)
    the focal point in the United Kingdom for advanced teaching and research in commercial law

  2. Southampton Institute, Law Faculty - LLM in Intellectual Property (#713)

International law and international trade:

Ontario, Canada:

  1. Masters of Taxation Program - University of Waterloo (#4292)
    Masters degree program designed to provide broad range of knowledge and technical skills required for a successful career in taxation. Classes meet in Toronto. Available half-time and full-time programs.

United Kingdom:

  1. Centre for Commercial Law Studies (United Kingdom) (#717)
    the focal point in the United Kingdom for advanced teaching and research in commercial law


Ontario, Canada:

  1. Masters of Taxation Program - University of Waterloo (#4292)
    Masters degree program designed to provide broad range of knowledge and technical skills required for a successful career in taxation. Classes meet in Toronto. Available half-time and full-time programs.

United Kingdom:

  1. Centre for Commercial Law Studies (United Kingdom) (#717)
    the focal point in the United Kingdom for advanced teaching and research in commercial law

Wills/Estates/Probate/Trusts/Power of Attorney:

Ontario, Canada:

  1. Masters of Taxation Program - University of Waterloo (#4292)
    Masters degree program designed to provide broad range of knowledge and technical skills required for a successful career in taxation. Classes meet in Toronto. Available half-time and full-time programs.

General Web Sites:


  1. Canadian Association of Law Teacher's Annual Directory (#21)
    Searchable database of law teachers

  2. Council of Canadian Law Deans (#1018)

Alberta, Canada:

  1. The University of Calgary - Faculty of Law (#24)
    Web Site for the University of Calgary - Faculty of Law

  2. Univeristy of Alberta - Faculty of Law (#15)
    Web Site for Univeristy of Alberta - Faculty of Law

British Columbia, Canada:

  1. The University of British Columbia Faculty of Law (#11)
    Web Site for the University of British Columbia Faculty of Law

  2. University of Victoria - Faculty of Law (#23)
    Web Site for University of Victoria - Faculty of Law

Manitoba, Canada:

  1. University of Manitoba - Faculty of Law (#26)
    Web Site for the University of Manitoba - Faculty of Law

New Brunswick, Canada:

  1. Université de Moncton - École de droit (#38)
    Web Site for the Université de Moncton - École de droit

  2. University of New Brunswick - Faculty of Law (#37)
    Web Site for the University of New Brunswick - Faculty of Law

Nova Scotia, Canada:

  1. Dalhousie Law School (#13)
    Web Site for Dalhousie Law School (Dalhousie University)

Ontario, Canada:

  1. Carleton University - Department of Law (#27)
    Web Site for Carleton University - Department of Law (Ottawa)

  2. Osgoode Hall Law School (#14)
    Web Site for Osgoode Hall Law School (York University)

  3. Queen (#28)
    Web Site for Queen's University - Faculty of Law

  4. University of Ottawa - Faculty of Civil Law (#30)
    Web Site for the University of Ottawa - Faculty of Civil Law

  5. University of Ottawa - Faculty of Common Law (#29)
    Web Site for the University of Ottawa - Faculty of Common Law


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