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Law journals & newsletters (academic):

Administrative law - general:

Quebec, Canada:

  1. Centre for Research in Public Law (#1224)


  1. Administrative Law Review (#799)

Administrative law - Judicial Review:

Quebec, Canada:

  1. Centre for Research in Public Law (#1224)


  1. Administrative Law Review (#799)

Agriculture / Food / Farming:

British Columbia, Canada:

  1. News from West Coast Environmental Law (#782)
    newsletter of West Coast Environment Law

Business -- general -- corporate / commercial:


  1. Not in Print: The Weekly Web Guide for Lawyers (#537)
    Canada's Legal Internet Information Updating Service. Our experienced legal editors find only the new and relevant information - case law, statutes, bills, news, press releases - whatever - and create Web pages that organize and summarize it all for you.

  2. The Canada Corporations Bulletin (#622)
    The Canada Corporations Bulletin is a monthly periodical published by the Corporations Directorate of Industry Canada. It contains information on newly-created federal corporations and amendments thereto, as well as other information which corporations are required to file primarily under the Canada Business Corporations Act (CBCA) but information collected under other Acts is also included. This is a priced publication and operates on an annual subscription basis of $225.00.

Quebec, Canada:

  1. Bulletin Le Recherchiste (#867)

Business - Incorporation - federal:


  1. The Canada Corporations Bulletin (#622)
    The Canada Corporations Bulletin is a monthly periodical published by the Corporations Directorate of Industry Canada. It contains information on newly-created federal corporations and amendments thereto, as well as other information which corporations are required to file primarily under the Canada Business Corporations Act (CBCA) but information collected under other Acts is also included. This is a priced publication and operates on an annual subscription basis of $225.00.

Civil Litigation -- General:


  1. Not in Print: The Weekly Web Guide for Lawyers (#537)
    Canada's Legal Internet Information Updating Service. Our experienced legal editors find only the new and relevant information - case law, statutes, bills, news, press releases - whatever - and create Web pages that organize and summarize it all for you.

Communications / Media / Broadcasting:


  1. Computer Lawyer News (#382)
    An electronic newsletter geared towards legal professionals working in the new media, telecommunications, online services and technology law fields. The newsletter has now been discontinued. Back issues available at this site.

  2. Not in Print: The Weekly Web Guide for Lawyers (#537)
    Canada's Legal Internet Information Updating Service. Our experienced legal editors find only the new and relevant information - case law, statutes, bills, news, press releases - whatever - and create Web pages that organize and summarize it all for you.

Computers - Y2K:


  1. Computer Lawyer News (#382)
    An electronic newsletter geared towards legal professionals working in the new media, telecommunications, online services and technology law fields. The newsletter has now been discontinued. Back issues available at this site.

  2. Not in Print: The Weekly Web Guide for Lawyers (#537)
    Canada's Legal Internet Information Updating Service. Our experienced legal editors find only the new and relevant information - case law, statutes, bills, news, press releases - whatever - and create Web pages that organize and summarize it all for you.

Computers & Technology - general:


  1. Computer Lawyer News (#382)
    An electronic newsletter geared towards legal professionals working in the new media, telecommunications, online services and technology law fields. The newsletter has now been discontinued. Back issues available at this site.

  2. Not in Print: The Weekly Web Guide for Lawyers (#537)
    Canada's Legal Internet Information Updating Service. Our experienced legal editors find only the new and relevant information - case law, statutes, bills, news, press releases - whatever - and create Web pages that organize and summarize it all for you.

Ontario, Canada:

  1. Net Beat by Lewis S. Eisen, B.A., LL.B. (#870)
    Author Lewis S. Eisen leads Lawyers Weekly readers through an exploration of developments on the Internet. Watch for pointers to new websites, announcements of new resources and analyses of issues such as security, electronic commerce and computer-telephony, and their implications for the practice of law.

Constitutional / Charter of Rights:


  1. Constitutional FORUM Constitutionnel (#1223)
    publishes case comments, essays and updates on recent constitutional developments; journal text not online

  2. National Journal of Constitutional Law (NJCL) (#1608)

  3. Review of Constitutional Studies (#1610)
    abstracts online

Alberta, Canada:

  1. Constitutional FORUM Constitutionnel (#1223)
    publishes case comments, essays and updates on recent constitutional developments; journal text not online

  2. Review of Constitutional Studies (#1610)
    abstracts online

Construction / Architectural / Engineering:


  1. Construction Law Letter (#329)
    Canadian newsletter containing summaries of construction-related court decisions, case comments and relevant articles.



  1. Not in Print: The Weekly Web Guide for Lawyers (#537)
    Canada's Legal Internet Information Updating Service. Our experienced legal editors find only the new and relevant information - case law, statutes, bills, news, press releases - whatever - and create Web pages that organize and summarize it all for you.

Criminal / quasi-criminal:


  1. Canadian Society of Forensic Science Journal (#2366)
    general information - no online articles


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