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Law Reform Commisions:

Alt. Dispute Resolution / Arbitration / Mediation:


  1. Uniform Law Commission (#371)
    The Uniform Law Commission provides states with non-partisan, well conceived, and well drafted legislation that brings clarity and stability to critical areas of state statutory law. Also known as the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws (NCCUSL).

Business -- general -- corporate / commercial:


  1. Uniform Law Commission (#371)
    The Uniform Law Commission provides states with non-partisan, well conceived, and well drafted legislation that brings clarity and stability to critical areas of state statutory law. Also known as the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws (NCCUSL).

Business - Business leases (equip. financing):


  1. Uniform Law Commission (#371)
    The Uniform Law Commission provides states with non-partisan, well conceived, and well drafted legislation that brings clarity and stability to critical areas of state statutory law. Also known as the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws (NCCUSL).

Business - Partnership:


  1. Uniform Law Commission (#371)
    The Uniform Law Commission provides states with non-partisan, well conceived, and well drafted legislation that brings clarity and stability to critical areas of state statutory law. Also known as the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws (NCCUSL).



  1. Uniform Law Commission (#371)
    The Uniform Law Commission provides states with non-partisan, well conceived, and well drafted legislation that brings clarity and stability to critical areas of state statutory law. Also known as the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws (NCCUSL).



  1. Uniform Law Commission (#371)
    The Uniform Law Commission provides states with non-partisan, well conceived, and well drafted legislation that brings clarity and stability to critical areas of state statutory law. Also known as the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws (NCCUSL).

General Web Sites:


  1. Council of Australian and New Zealand Law Reform Agencies (#376)

  2. New South Wales Law Reform Commission (#374)

  3. The Australian Law Reform Commission (#375)

  4. Victorian Law Reform Committee (#378)
    bi-partisan investigatory Committee of the Parliament of Victoria (Australia)


  1. Law Commission of Canada (#78)
    Law Commission of Canada

Alberta, Canada:

  1. Alberta Law Reform Institute (#367)
    Conducts and directs research into law and the administration of justice; considers matters of law reform with a view to proposing to the appropriate authority the means by which the law may be made more useful and effective; promotes law research and reform

British Columbia, Canada:

  1. The British Columbia Law Institute (#2709)
    The British Columbia Law Institute is the successor to the former BC Law Reform Commission which ceased operation in 1997. Keywords: reform, research, recommend, education, law, legal

Nova Scotia, Canada:

  1. Law Reform Commission of Nova Scotia (#131)
    Home Page of the Law Reform Commission of Nova Scotia; reviews the laws of Nova Scotia and makes recommendations for improvement, modernization and reform.

California, U.S.A.:

  1. California Law Revision Commission (#368)
    Studies the law in order to discover defects and anachronisms and recommends legislation to make needed reforms

Michigan, U.S.A.:

  1. University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform (#369)
    The Journal of Law Reform focuses on publishing law reform oriented articles and student notes. Since its birth in the late sixties, the Journal has followed a mandate to promote the improvement of the law in all areas in which needs are disclosed and in which useful proposals can be advanced.

New Jersey, U.S.A.:

  1. State of New Jersey Law Revision Commission (#370)
    The Commission was created in 1985 to conduct a continuous revision of the statutes of New Jersey. The Commission corrects inconsistent statutes, updates or repeals obsolete or redundant laws and submits proposed legislation. The Commission's objective is to simplify, clarify and modernize New Jersey Statutes. The Commission extensively examines local law and practices and consults the law of other jurisdictions, experts in the area and proposals of learned bodies.

United Kingdom:

  1. Law Commission for England and Wales (#372)
    Main work is the reform of the law, but we also work on consolidation of statutes and statute law revision

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