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(597 matches found)
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Precedents/forms - sample documents/forms:

Agriculture / Food / Farming:

British Columbia, Canada:

  1. B.C. Ministry of Labour forms (#3393)
    from the Ministry of Labour government web site - forms include: Registry Information Employees Working in Residences ; Complaint and Information ; Application for Employment Agency License ; Application of Employer for Child's Permit of Employment ; Application for Farm Labour Contractor Licence

Alt. Dispute Resolution / Arbitration / Mediation:


  1. Josephson Angus Barristers (#4737)
    Josephson Angus Barristers are committed, forceful and passionate advocates for our clients’ legal and commercial interests. We recognize that each case is unique. In consultation with each client, we develop effective strategies to deal with the circumstances that the client faces in a particular case and as they affect the client’s wider interests.

  2. Michael J. Semple Barrister & Solicitor (#4690)
    A general practice covering most areas of law, with an emphasis on civil litigation, business law and personal legal matters; including wrongful dismissal & employment law, contracts, debt collection, real estate, wills & estates, and mediation.

British Columbia, Canada:

  1. Josephson Angus Barristers (#4737)
    Josephson Angus Barristers are committed, forceful and passionate advocates for our clients’ legal and commercial interests. We recognize that each case is unique. In consultation with each client, we develop effective strategies to deal with the circumstances that the client faces in a particular case and as they affect the client’s wider interests.

Ontario, Canada:

  1. Michael J. Semple Barrister & Solicitor (#4690)
    A general practice covering most areas of law, with an emphasis on civil litigation, business law and personal legal matters; including wrongful dismissal & employment law, contracts, debt collection, real estate, wills & estates, and mediation.


  1. Josephson Angus Barristers (#4737)
    Josephson Angus Barristers are committed, forceful and passionate advocates for our clients’ legal and commercial interests. We recognize that each case is unique. In consultation with each client, we develop effective strategies to deal with the circumstances that the client faces in a particular case and as they affect the client’s wider interests.

Appeals to higher courts:


  1. Michael J. Semple Barrister & Solicitor (#4690)
    A general practice covering most areas of law, with an emphasis on civil litigation, business law and personal legal matters; including wrongful dismissal & employment law, contracts, debt collection, real estate, wills & estates, and mediation.

British Columbia, Canada:

  1. Under Appeal - Scott T. Taylor (#3278)

Ontario, Canada:

  1. Michael J. Semple Barrister & Solicitor (#4690)
    A general practice covering most areas of law, with an emphasis on civil litigation, business law and personal legal matters; including wrongful dismissal & employment law, contracts, debt collection, real estate, wills & estates, and mediation.

Banking / Finance:


  1. » Promissory Note -- Do-it-yourself fill-in form « (#4757)
    A Promissory Note is the legal name for a legal document people sometimes think of as an "IOU". The promissory note is sometimes used in conjunction with a Loan Agreement where additional provisions are required for more detailed loan arrangements.

  2. Investment Canada Act (#653)
    Official government web site with information about: Investment Canada Act Frequently Asked Questions; Forms for you to submit your information with; Secure PKI electronic commerce Forms; Act, Regulations, Interpretation Notes, Guidelines, etc.; Information about this Site; Other Sites of interest to investors; What's new, things to come, updates...; Summary of decisions and notifications

  3. Michael J. Semple Barrister & Solicitor (#4690)
    A general practice covering most areas of law, with an emphasis on civil litigation, business law and personal legal matters; including wrongful dismissal & employment law, contracts, debt collection, real estate, wills & estates, and mediation.

Alberta, Canada:

  1. » Promissory Note -- Do-it-yourself fill-in form « (#4757)
    A Promissory Note is the legal name for a legal document people sometimes think of as an "IOU". The promissory note is sometimes used in conjunction with a Loan Agreement where additional provisions are required for more detailed loan arrangements.

British Columbia, Canada:

  1. » Promissory Note -- Do-it-yourself fill-in form « (#4757)
    A Promissory Note is the legal name for a legal document people sometimes think of as an "IOU". The promissory note is sometimes used in conjunction with a Loan Agreement where additional provisions are required for more detailed loan arrangements.

Manitoba, Canada:

  1. » Promissory Note -- Do-it-yourself fill-in form « (#4757)
    A Promissory Note is the legal name for a legal document people sometimes think of as an "IOU". The promissory note is sometimes used in conjunction with a Loan Agreement where additional provisions are required for more detailed loan arrangements.

New Brunswick, Canada:

  1. » Promissory Note -- Do-it-yourself fill-in form « (#4757)
    A Promissory Note is the legal name for a legal document people sometimes think of as an "IOU". The promissory note is sometimes used in conjunction with a Loan Agreement where additional provisions are required for more detailed loan arrangements.

Newfoundland, Canada:

  1. » Promissory Note -- Do-it-yourself fill-in form « (#4757)
    A Promissory Note is the legal name for a legal document people sometimes think of as an "IOU". The promissory note is sometimes used in conjunction with a Loan Agreement where additional provisions are required for more detailed loan arrangements.

Northwest Territories, Canada:

  1. » Promissory Note -- Do-it-yourself fill-in form « (#4757)
    A Promissory Note is the legal name for a legal document people sometimes think of as an "IOU". The promissory note is sometimes used in conjunction with a Loan Agreement where additional provisions are required for more detailed loan arrangements.

Nova Scotia, Canada:

  1. » Promissory Note -- Do-it-yourself fill-in form « (#4757)
    A Promissory Note is the legal name for a legal document people sometimes think of as an "IOU". The promissory note is sometimes used in conjunction with a Loan Agreement where additional provisions are required for more detailed loan arrangements.

Nunavut, Canada:

  1. » Promissory Note -- Do-it-yourself fill-in form « (#4757)
    A Promissory Note is the legal name for a legal document people sometimes think of as an "IOU". The promissory note is sometimes used in conjunction with a Loan Agreement where additional provisions are required for more detailed loan arrangements.

Ontario, Canada:

  1. » Promissory Note -- Do-it-yourself fill-in form « (#4757)
    A Promissory Note is the legal name for a legal document people sometimes think of as an "IOU". The promissory note is sometimes used in conjunction with a Loan Agreement where additional provisions are required for more detailed loan arrangements.

  2. Michael J. Semple Barrister & Solicitor (#4690)
    A general practice covering most areas of law, with an emphasis on civil litigation, business law and personal legal matters; including wrongful dismissal & employment law, contracts, debt collection, real estate, wills & estates, and mediation.

Prince Edward Island, Canada:

  1. » Promissory Note -- Do-it-yourself fill-in form « (#4757)
    A Promissory Note is the legal name for a legal document people sometimes think of as an "IOU". The promissory note is sometimes used in conjunction with a Loan Agreement where additional provisions are required for more detailed loan arrangements.

Quebec, Canada:

  1. » Promissory Note -- Do-it-yourself fill-in form « (#4757)
    A Promissory Note is the legal name for a legal document people sometimes think of as an "IOU". The promissory note is sometimes used in conjunction with a Loan Agreement where additional provisions are required for more detailed loan arrangements.

Saskatchewan, Canada:

  1. » Promissory Note -- Do-it-yourself fill-in form « (#4757)
    A Promissory Note is the legal name for a legal document people sometimes think of as an "IOU". The promissory note is sometimes used in conjunction with a Loan Agreement where additional provisions are required for more detailed loan arrangements.


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