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(7 matches found)
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Legal suppliers - hardware/software Macintosh:

General Web Sites:


  1. Amicus Attorney from Gavel & Gown Software Inc. (#1728)
    Practice management software for lawyers. A comprehensive system for managing all the information, people, schedules, communications, documents and more on each of your client files. Completely integrated with your calendar, contacts, time entries, telephone and timer.

  2. MacLaser Biller (#1732)
    MacLaser Biller software is designed to let you control the cost of printing from any Macintosh computer to standard laser printers, to color printers, and to imagesetters. MacLaser Biller works with all Macintosh applications and with all Macintosh print devices. MacLaser Biller works as a virtual photocopy count control device - it gives you all of the benefits of cost control without any of the expenses of extra hardware.

  3. The Law Office Software List for the Macintosh Computer (#1733)
    #1 web site for lawyers who use Macintosh! This site is dedicated to attorneys and other legal professionals who use the Macintosh in their legal practice. List compiled, commented, and maintained by Randy B. Singer, Attorney at Law. Well Over 170 Products Listed!

  4. Timeslips Time Billing Software (#1731)
    world's best-selling and most award-winning time and billing software.

Ontario, Canada:

  1. MacLaser Biller (#1732)
    MacLaser Biller software is designed to let you control the cost of printing from any Macintosh computer to standard laser printers, to color printers, and to imagesetters. MacLaser Biller works with all Macintosh applications and with all Macintosh print devices. MacLaser Biller works as a virtual photocopy count control device - it gives you all of the benefits of cost control without any of the expenses of extra hardware.


  1. Law Office Computing online - Product LOCator (#3948)
    world’s largest online database of world’s largest online database of legal technology product reviews ; from Law Office Computing magazine

  2. The Law Office Software List for the Macintosh Computer (#1733)
    #1 web site for lawyers who use Macintosh! This site is dedicated to attorneys and other legal professionals who use the Macintosh in their legal practice. List compiled, commented, and maintained by Randy B. Singer, Attorney at Law. Well Over 170 Products Listed!

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