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(7 matches found)
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Family / Divorce / Custody / Adoption / Support & Law Firms/Lawyers & Newfoundland, Canada:

  1. Benson Myles (#2062)
    one of the largest law firms in Newfoundland

  2. Cohen Law Office (#5123)
    Cohen Law Office is a law firm in Grand Falls Windsor, Newfoundland. Practice Areas: Family Law, Personal Injury Law, Residential Real Estate Law, Commercial Real Estate Law.

  3. Cox Hanson O'Reilly Matheson (#3240)

  4. Dawe & Burke (#1982)
    A Full Service Newfoundland Law Firm. Firm has a broad client base among private citizens, small businesses and several charitable associations throughout Newfoundland. In addition, the Firm represents a number of Canadian, American, and International clients.

  5. Patterson Law (#2296)
    law firm in Halifax and Truro, Nova Scotia, Canada. (formerly Patterson Palmer Hunt Murphy)

  6. Stewart McKelvey Stirling Scales (#3281)

  7. White, Ottenheimer & Baker (#2496)

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