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New Brunswick, Canada:

Administrative law - general:

Articling information for law students:

  1. Cox Hanson O'Reilly Matheson (#3240)

Caselaw (commentary/analysis/summary):

  1. Board Finding of School District Liability for Actions of Teacher Upheld (#3999)
    Ross v. New Brunswick School Dist. No. 15 (1996), 25 C.H.R.R. D/175 (S.C.C.) [Eng./Fr. 38 pp.] ; case summary from the Canadian Human Rights Reporter ; keyword: hate propaganda; Jewish ; anti-Semitic

Law Firms/Lawyers:

  1. Cox Hanson O'Reilly Matheson (#3240)

  2. Foster & Company (#4681)
    Foster & Company is a firm of litigation lawyers whose mandate is to "provide unequalled litigation and other legal services, in both English and French, to corporations and individuals throughout the Province of New Brunswick.

  3. Gorman Nason (#4652)
    121 Germain Street P. O. Box 7286, Station "A" Saint John, New Brunswick Canada

Administrative law - Judicial Review:

Caselaw (commentary/analysis/summary):

  1. Board Finding of School District Liability for Actions of Teacher Upheld (#3999)
    Ross v. New Brunswick School Dist. No. 15 (1996), 25 C.H.R.R. D/175 (S.C.C.) [Eng./Fr. 38 pp.] ; case summary from the Canadian Human Rights Reporter ; keyword: hate propaganda; Jewish ; anti-Semitic

Law Firms/Lawyers:

  1. Foster & Company (#4681)
    Foster & Company is a firm of litigation lawyers whose mandate is to "provide unequalled litigation and other legal services, in both English and French, to corporations and individuals throughout the Province of New Brunswick.

  2. Gorman Nason (#4652)
    121 Germain Street P. O. Box 7286, Station "A" Saint John, New Brunswick Canada

Admiralty / Maritime / Fisheries / Water:

Articling information for law students:

  1. Cox Hanson O'Reilly Matheson (#3240)

  2. Stewart McKelvey Stirling Scales (#3281)


  1. Canadian Maritime Law Association (#120)
    Organization composed primarily of practicing maritime lawyers and other persons interested in the shipping and maritime industry. - The principal role of the CMLA is to represent all Canadian commercial maritime interests for the uniform development of Canadian and international maritime laws affecting marine transportation and related aspects.

Law Firms/Lawyers:

  1. Cox Hanson O'Reilly Matheson (#3240)

  2. Stewart McKelvey Stirling Scales (#3281)

Advertising / Marketing / Product labelling:

Articles/newsletters from law firms - Specific articles:

  1. PrivaTech Consulting (#4653)
    PrivaTech Consulting assists businesses with offices in Canada to comply with Canada's private sector privacy laws. We have the information management and legal expertise to advise you on the most workable and cost-effective privacy and information-handling practices for your organization. Our monthly newsletters turn privacy news into useful guidance and practice tips.

Articles/newsletters from law firms - index pages only:

  1. PrivaTech Consulting (#4653)
    PrivaTech Consulting assists businesses with offices in Canada to comply with Canada's private sector privacy laws. We have the information management and legal expertise to advise you on the most workable and cost-effective privacy and information-handling practices for your organization. Our monthly newsletters turn privacy news into useful guidance and practice tips.

Articles/newsletters from others:

  1. PrivaTech Consulting (#4653)
    PrivaTech Consulting assists businesses with offices in Canada to comply with Canada's private sector privacy laws. We have the information management and legal expertise to advise you on the most workable and cost-effective privacy and information-handling practices for your organization. Our monthly newsletters turn privacy news into useful guidance and practice tips.

Book/newsletter advertisements - index pages:

  1. PrivaTech Consulting (#4653)
    PrivaTech Consulting assists businesses with offices in Canada to comply with Canada's private sector privacy laws. We have the information management and legal expertise to advise you on the most workable and cost-effective privacy and information-handling practices for your organization. Our monthly newsletters turn privacy news into useful guidance and practice tips.

Book/newsletter advertisements - specific:

  1. PrivaTech Consulting (#4653)
    PrivaTech Consulting assists businesses with offices in Canada to comply with Canada's private sector privacy laws. We have the information management and legal expertise to advise you on the most workable and cost-effective privacy and information-handling practices for your organization. Our monthly newsletters turn privacy news into useful guidance and practice tips.

Contact information (telephone/address):

  1. PrivaTech Consulting (#4653)
    PrivaTech Consulting assists businesses with offices in Canada to comply with Canada's private sector privacy laws. We have the information management and legal expertise to advise you on the most workable and cost-effective privacy and information-handling practices for your organization. Our monthly newsletters turn privacy news into useful guidance and practice tips.

Laws/statutes/regulations/rules/policies - index pages:

  1. PrivaTech Consulting (#4653)
    PrivaTech Consulting assists businesses with offices in Canada to comply with Canada's private sector privacy laws. We have the information management and legal expertise to advise you on the most workable and cost-effective privacy and information-handling practices for your organization. Our monthly newsletters turn privacy news into useful guidance and practice tips.

Laws/statutes/regulations/rules/policies - specific links:

  1. PrivaTech Consulting (#4653)
    PrivaTech Consulting assists businesses with offices in Canada to comply with Canada's private sector privacy laws. We have the information management and legal expertise to advise you on the most workable and cost-effective privacy and information-handling practices for your organization. Our monthly newsletters turn privacy news into useful guidance and practice tips.

Mailing lists / newsgroups:

  1. PrivaTech Consulting (#4653)
    PrivaTech Consulting assists businesses with offices in Canada to comply with Canada's private sector privacy laws. We have the information management and legal expertise to advise you on the most workable and cost-effective privacy and information-handling practices for your organization. Our monthly newsletters turn privacy news into useful guidance and practice tips.

Practice Management & Technology:

  1. PrivaTech Consulting (#4653)
    PrivaTech Consulting assists businesses with offices in Canada to comply with Canada's private sector privacy laws. We have the information management and legal expertise to advise you on the most workable and cost-effective privacy and information-handling practices for your organization. Our monthly newsletters turn privacy news into useful guidance and practice tips.

Search engines / web links:

  1. PrivaTech Consulting (#4653)
    PrivaTech Consulting assists businesses with offices in Canada to comply with Canada's private sector privacy laws. We have the information management and legal expertise to advise you on the most workable and cost-effective privacy and information-handling practices for your organization. Our monthly newsletters turn privacy news into useful guidance and practice tips.

Alt. Dispute Resolution / Arbitration / Mediation:

Articles/newsletters from others:

  1. Comparison of ADR legislation across Canada in a family law context (#3732)
    keyword: alternative dispute resolution


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