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(167 matches found)
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Yukon, Canada:

Administrative law - general:

Caselaw (commentary/analysis/summary):

  1. S.C.C. Upholds Right of Club to Refuse Membership to Women (#3985)
    Gould v. Yukon Order of Pioneers (1996), 25 C.H.R.R. D/87 (S.C.C.) [Eng./Fr. 55 pp.] ; case summary from the Canadian Human Rights Reporter

Administrative law - Judicial Review:

Caselaw (commentary/analysis/summary):

  1. S.C.C. Upholds Right of Club to Refuse Membership to Women (#3985)
    Gould v. Yukon Order of Pioneers (1996), 25 C.H.R.R. D/87 (S.C.C.) [Eng./Fr. 55 pp.] ; case summary from the Canadian Human Rights Reporter

Admiralty / Maritime / Fisheries / Water:

Government - Departments/agencies/commissions/boards:

  1. Geometrics Canada - Legal Surveys Division (#1073)
    Government department that has the legislated responsibility to regulate all legal surveys on Canada Lands. Canada Lands include the Yukon and Northwest Territories, over 2300 Indian Reserves, 32 National Parks, 83 National Historic Parks, 1000 National Historic, Sites and the Offshore. Legal Surveys Division is a part of Geomatics Canada which is a part of the Earth Sciences Sector of Natural Resources Canada.

Advertising / Marketing / Product labelling:

Articles/newsletters from law firms - Specific articles:

  1. PrivaTech Consulting (#4653)
    PrivaTech Consulting assists businesses with offices in Canada to comply with Canada's private sector privacy laws. We have the information management and legal expertise to advise you on the most workable and cost-effective privacy and information-handling practices for your organization. Our monthly newsletters turn privacy news into useful guidance and practice tips.

Articles/newsletters from law firms - index pages only:

  1. PrivaTech Consulting (#4653)
    PrivaTech Consulting assists businesses with offices in Canada to comply with Canada's private sector privacy laws. We have the information management and legal expertise to advise you on the most workable and cost-effective privacy and information-handling practices for your organization. Our monthly newsletters turn privacy news into useful guidance and practice tips.

Articles/newsletters from others:

  1. PrivaTech Consulting (#4653)
    PrivaTech Consulting assists businesses with offices in Canada to comply with Canada's private sector privacy laws. We have the information management and legal expertise to advise you on the most workable and cost-effective privacy and information-handling practices for your organization. Our monthly newsletters turn privacy news into useful guidance and practice tips.

Book/newsletter advertisements - index pages:

  1. PrivaTech Consulting (#4653)
    PrivaTech Consulting assists businesses with offices in Canada to comply with Canada's private sector privacy laws. We have the information management and legal expertise to advise you on the most workable and cost-effective privacy and information-handling practices for your organization. Our monthly newsletters turn privacy news into useful guidance and practice tips.

Book/newsletter advertisements - specific:

  1. PrivaTech Consulting (#4653)
    PrivaTech Consulting assists businesses with offices in Canada to comply with Canada's private sector privacy laws. We have the information management and legal expertise to advise you on the most workable and cost-effective privacy and information-handling practices for your organization. Our monthly newsletters turn privacy news into useful guidance and practice tips.

Contact information (telephone/address):

  1. PrivaTech Consulting (#4653)
    PrivaTech Consulting assists businesses with offices in Canada to comply with Canada's private sector privacy laws. We have the information management and legal expertise to advise you on the most workable and cost-effective privacy and information-handling practices for your organization. Our monthly newsletters turn privacy news into useful guidance and practice tips.

Laws/statutes/regulations/rules/policies - index pages:

  1. PrivaTech Consulting (#4653)
    PrivaTech Consulting assists businesses with offices in Canada to comply with Canada's private sector privacy laws. We have the information management and legal expertise to advise you on the most workable and cost-effective privacy and information-handling practices for your organization. Our monthly newsletters turn privacy news into useful guidance and practice tips.

Laws/statutes/regulations/rules/policies - specific links:

  1. PrivaTech Consulting (#4653)
    PrivaTech Consulting assists businesses with offices in Canada to comply with Canada's private sector privacy laws. We have the information management and legal expertise to advise you on the most workable and cost-effective privacy and information-handling practices for your organization. Our monthly newsletters turn privacy news into useful guidance and practice tips.

Mailing lists / newsgroups:

  1. PrivaTech Consulting (#4653)
    PrivaTech Consulting assists businesses with offices in Canada to comply with Canada's private sector privacy laws. We have the information management and legal expertise to advise you on the most workable and cost-effective privacy and information-handling practices for your organization. Our monthly newsletters turn privacy news into useful guidance and practice tips.

Practice Management & Technology:

  1. PrivaTech Consulting (#4653)
    PrivaTech Consulting assists businesses with offices in Canada to comply with Canada's private sector privacy laws. We have the information management and legal expertise to advise you on the most workable and cost-effective privacy and information-handling practices for your organization. Our monthly newsletters turn privacy news into useful guidance and practice tips.

Search engines / web links:

  1. PrivaTech Consulting (#4653)
    PrivaTech Consulting assists businesses with offices in Canada to comply with Canada's private sector privacy laws. We have the information management and legal expertise to advise you on the most workable and cost-effective privacy and information-handling practices for your organization. Our monthly newsletters turn privacy news into useful guidance and practice tips.

Alt. Dispute Resolution / Arbitration / Mediation:

Articles/newsletters from others:

  1. Comparison of ADR legislation across Canada in a family law context (#3732)
    keyword: alternative dispute resolution

Search engines / web links:

  1. Family Law Mediators Directory (#3013)
    from Joel Miller's Family Law Centre web site

Appeals to higher courts:

Caselaw (commentary/analysis/summary):

  1. S.C.C. Upholds Right of Club to Refuse Membership to Women (#3985)
    Gould v. Yukon Order of Pioneers (1996), 25 C.H.R.R. D/87 (S.C.C.) [Eng./Fr. 55 pp.] ; case summary from the Canadian Human Rights Reporter

Banking / Finance:

Precedents/forms - sample documents/forms:

  1. » Promissory Note -- Do-it-yourself fill-in form « (#4757)
    A Promissory Note is the legal name for a legal document people sometimes think of as an "IOU". The promissory note is sometimes used in conjunction with a Loan Agreement where additional provisions are required for more detailed loan arrangements.

Bankruptcy / Insolvency:

Articles/newsletters from others:

  1. Credit Bureaus (#1323)
    general information including explanation of the 9 rating levels on credit reports

Business -- general -- corporate / commercial:

Articles/newsletters from law firms - Specific articles:

  1. PrivaTech Consulting (#4653)
    PrivaTech Consulting assists businesses with offices in Canada to comply with Canada's private sector privacy laws. We have the information management and legal expertise to advise you on the most workable and cost-effective privacy and information-handling practices for your organization. Our monthly newsletters turn privacy news into useful guidance and practice tips.

Articles/newsletters from law firms - index pages only:

  1. PrivaTech Consulting (#4653)
    PrivaTech Consulting assists businesses with offices in Canada to comply with Canada's private sector privacy laws. We have the information management and legal expertise to advise you on the most workable and cost-effective privacy and information-handling practices for your organization. Our monthly newsletters turn privacy news into useful guidance and practice tips.

Articles/newsletters from others:

  1. PrivaTech Consulting (#4653)
    PrivaTech Consulting assists businesses with offices in Canada to comply with Canada's private sector privacy laws. We have the information management and legal expertise to advise you on the most workable and cost-effective privacy and information-handling practices for your organization. Our monthly newsletters turn privacy news into useful guidance and practice tips.

Book/newsletter advertisements - index pages:

  1. PrivaTech Consulting (#4653)
    PrivaTech Consulting assists businesses with offices in Canada to comply with Canada's private sector privacy laws. We have the information management and legal expertise to advise you on the most workable and cost-effective privacy and information-handling practices for your organization. Our monthly newsletters turn privacy news into useful guidance and practice tips.

Book/newsletter advertisements - specific:

  1. PrivaTech Consulting (#4653)
    PrivaTech Consulting assists businesses with offices in Canada to comply with Canada's private sector privacy laws. We have the information management and legal expertise to advise you on the most workable and cost-effective privacy and information-handling practices for your organization. Our monthly newsletters turn privacy news into useful guidance and practice tips.

Contact information (telephone/address):

  1. PrivaTech Consulting (#4653)
    PrivaTech Consulting assists businesses with offices in Canada to comply with Canada's private sector privacy laws. We have the information management and legal expertise to advise you on the most workable and cost-effective privacy and information-handling practices for your organization. Our monthly newsletters turn privacy news into useful guidance and practice tips.


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