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CanadaLegal.com Search Tips
Tip: Try a Google Search ...
Tip: Try a search with no keywords, different keywords, fewer keywords, or more generic keywords.
Tip: Try Browse by Area of Law or Browse by Category.
Tip: Try an advanced search with fewer search criteria (e.g.: only area of law), a different category, or a different area of law.
Tip: Try Try CanadaLawVideos.com Lawyers Directory.
Note: CanadaLegal.com is not a full-text search engine such as Google or Bing. It is only a directory/database of approximately 4500 known resources on the Internet. For each resource, the CanadaLegal.com database contains a brief textual description -- that is what 'keywords' searches.
Note: There is no charge to use CanadaLegal.com. The information that you are looking for may be available only from a pay service such as QuickLaw or from your lawyer.
Tip: You may be able to find what you are looking for at another law related search engine/directory. Try an advanced search with category =
'Search engines / web links' and area of law = the area of law you are interested in.Tip: Not everything is available on the Internet. You may need to contact your lawyer. If you need to find a lawyer in your jurisdiction or one who deals with a particular area of law, try an advanced search with category = 'Law Firms/Lawyers - links to specific law firm web site'. To narrow your search, also specify a jurisdiction or area of law.
NOTICE: E.&O.E. See important legal disclaimer (www.canadalegal.com/legal.asp) |
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