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The following are links to some articles about divorce that you may find useful. You may want to ask your divorce lawyer about these and other divorce issues. Click the article titles to read the full article.
When can I ask for a divorce?
As soon as one of the following three circumstances has occurred: the other spouse has committed adultery, the other spouse has committed cruelty, or the spouses have separated. As soon as ... (continue...)What is an Uncontested Divorce?
When the spouses have signed a separation agreement that has resolved all issues such as custody, access, support and property division, and they now both want to be divorced, then one of the spouses can commence a petition for divorce that consists of a request for a divorce only. One spouse has it served on the ... (continue...)How long does it take to get a divorce?
An uncontested divorce usually takes between eight to 16 weeks. A petition for divorce that is contested usually takes much longer. There are many factors that affect the length of time it takes to get divorced. Unless the reason for ... (continue...)Can I sue my husband for emotional distress?
In Canada, the Divorce Act permits a spouse to seek a divorce if the other spouse has committed cruelty. But this does not entitle the victim to collect compensation for emotional distress. In fact, Canadian law seems to minimize the relevance of spousal misconduct when determining the issues of custody, access, support and division of property. However, ... (continue...)Can you get a divorce if your husband has an affair with another man?
Historically, the answer to this question was No. Canadian federal law only permitted a spouse to obtain a divorce if the other spouse had an extramarital affair with someone of the opposite sex ... (continue...)Seven Ways To Survive and Settle Your Divorce or Separation As Soon As You Can
Tips for settling your separation and divorce as quickly as possible with a reasonable outcome for all parties involved.Search for a divorce lawyer by province/state:
- Divorce Lawyers in Alberta, Canada (42)
- Divorce Lawyers in British Columbia, Canada (35)
- Divorce Lawyers in Manitoba, Canada (18)
- Divorce Lawyers in New Brunswick, Canada (7)
- Divorce Lawyers in Newfoundland, Canada (7)
- Divorce Lawyers in Northwest Territories, Canada (1)
- Divorce Lawyers in Nova Scotia, Canada (5)
- Divorce Lawyers in Ontario, Canada (143)
- Divorce Lawyers in Prince Edward Island, Canada (3)
- Divorce Lawyers in Quebec, Canada (9)
- Divorce Lawyers in Saskatchewan, Canada (2)
- Divorce Lawyers in District of Columbia, U.S.A. (1)
- Divorce Lawyers in Minnesota, U.S.A. (1)
- Divorce Lawyers in New York, U.S.A. (2)
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