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Incorporation (British Columbia)


Many people prefer to carry on business as a corporation.

A corporation is a legal entity separate in law from its owners. The corporation is owned by "shareholders" through their ownership of "shares" of the corporation.

Consult with your lawyer and accountant for legal, tax and accounting advice about setting up an incorporation.

Corporate Name Search

Incorporation (British Columbia)

The BC Incorporation Package allows you to create a new, for-profit corporation. The corporation will be registered with the Government of British Columbia. The BC Incorporation Package provides a simple, direct and flexible way to incorporate your business.

See also: What are the advantages of incorporating?

See also: Corporate Name Search
See also: Corporate Agreements and Forms

See also: Incorporation (Alberta), Incorporation (Ontario), Incorporation (Saskatchewan), Incorporation (Federal).

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See also more:, Canadian Legal Forms, and Legal Forms.

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