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(220 matches found)
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Constitutional / Charter of Rights:

Articles/newsletters from others:

Nova Scotia, Canada:

  1. Democracy (#2533)
    by Peter Landry
    [Date: May, 1997]

  2. The Right to Bear Arms (#2534)
    by Peter Landry
    [Date: February, 1994]

  3. Tobacco and Guns - Rights: Not Absolute: But Very Nearly So. (#2535)
    by Peter Landry

Ontario, Canada:

  1. Canadian Constitutional Documents (#995)
    comphrensive list (and text) of 30 constitutional acts of Canada since Confederation
    [Date: March, 1995]

  2. Constitutional Law of Canada (#1019)
    contains general information on Canadian constitutional law and specific information on courses taught by Professor Joseph E. Magnet at the University of Ottawa

  3. The Process of Mounting a Charter of Rights and Freedoms Challenge (#944)
    This paper explores the process and the procedure in bringing a Charter of Rights and Freedoms challenge in a civil proceeding in the province of Ontario. It is not meant to be a theoretical examination; rather, it is directed at those seeking a practical view of the procedural steps to be followed in bringing a Charter challenge.

Prince Edward Island, Canada:

  1. Canadian Constitutional Documents (#995)
    comphrensive list (and text) of 30 constitutional acts of Canada since Confederation
    [Date: March, 1995]

Quebec, Canada:

  1. Canadian Constitutional Documents (#995)
    comphrensive list (and text) of 30 constitutional acts of Canada since Confederation
    [Date: March, 1995]


  1. Constitutions of Countries around the World (#946)

  2. U.S. Constitution with Annotations of Cases Decided by the Supreme Court of the United States (#722)
    keywords: laws; legislation; statutes

United Kingdom:

  1. Constitutions of Countries around the World (#946)

Articling information for law students:


  1. LexisNexis® Quicklaw® (#191)
    pay $ site - QL has over 1000 searchable databases and bulletin boards of full text judgments from all court levels and many administrative tribunals in Canada, as well as full text databases of legislation, tax and news.

Alberta, Canada:

  1. Lawson Lundell LLP (#3566)
    Lawson Lundell LLP has occupied a prominent place in the legal profession in British Columbia for over 90 years and is pre-eminent in the areas of business law. The firm's 100 lawyers represent businesses, both large and small, Canadian and international, in many different industries from natural resources to technology law. We have offices in Vancouver (British Columbia), Calgary (Alberta), and Yellowknife (Northwest Territories)

  2. Parlee McLaws LLP (#2606)
    Parlee McLaws LLP comprises over 100 lawyers who practice in complementary areas of law. Offices in Calgary, Alberta and Edmonton, Alberta.

British Columbia, Canada:

  1. Lawson Lundell LLP (#3566)
    Lawson Lundell LLP has occupied a prominent place in the legal profession in British Columbia for over 90 years and is pre-eminent in the areas of business law. The firm's 100 lawyers represent businesses, both large and small, Canadian and international, in many different industries from natural resources to technology law. We have offices in Vancouver (British Columbia), Calgary (Alberta), and Yellowknife (Northwest Territories)

Northwest Territories, Canada:

  1. Lawson Lundell LLP (#3566)
    Lawson Lundell LLP has occupied a prominent place in the legal profession in British Columbia for over 90 years and is pre-eminent in the areas of business law. The firm's 100 lawyers represent businesses, both large and small, Canadian and international, in many different industries from natural resources to technology law. We have offices in Vancouver (British Columbia), Calgary (Alberta), and Yellowknife (Northwest Territories)



  1. Constitutions of Countries around the World (#946)


  1. Agora Cosmopolitan & Associates (#4384)
    A Not-for-profit oriented Civil Rights Investigation, Mediation, Advocacy support and Para-Legal Pre-Litigation

  2. Constitutions of Countries around the World (#946)

Alberta, Canada:

  1. Agora Cosmopolitan & Associates (#4384)
    A Not-for-profit oriented Civil Rights Investigation, Mediation, Advocacy support and Para-Legal Pre-Litigation

British Columbia, Canada:

  1. Agora Cosmopolitan & Associates (#4384)
    A Not-for-profit oriented Civil Rights Investigation, Mediation, Advocacy support and Para-Legal Pre-Litigation

Manitoba, Canada:

  1. Agora Cosmopolitan & Associates (#4384)
    A Not-for-profit oriented Civil Rights Investigation, Mediation, Advocacy support and Para-Legal Pre-Litigation

New Brunswick, Canada:

  1. Agora Cosmopolitan & Associates (#4384)
    A Not-for-profit oriented Civil Rights Investigation, Mediation, Advocacy support and Para-Legal Pre-Litigation

Newfoundland, Canada:

  1. Agora Cosmopolitan & Associates (#4384)
    A Not-for-profit oriented Civil Rights Investigation, Mediation, Advocacy support and Para-Legal Pre-Litigation

Nova Scotia, Canada:

  1. Agora Cosmopolitan & Associates (#4384)
    A Not-for-profit oriented Civil Rights Investigation, Mediation, Advocacy support and Para-Legal Pre-Litigation

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