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Canada Legal .com Directory of Canadian Legal Resources |
(179 matches found)
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Computers - Y2K:
Articles/newsletters from others:
Ontario, Canada:
- Tax Articles from Accountants - "Lawyers Alert - A Publication for the Legal Professional"
www.collinsbarrow.com/en/cbn/publications/?cat=122 (#4147)
from Collins Barrow - Chartered Accountants ; topics include: US Personal Use Real Property Held by Canadians ; 1998 Foreign Property Reporting Rules ; Supreme Court Decisions on Tenant Inducement Payments ; Shares of Private Small Business Corporations as RRSP Investments ; Distant Pastures ... Greener Dollars ; The Valuation of Minority Interests in Closely Held Private Corporations ; Estate Freezes - Avoiding the Pitfalls ; Year 2000 - More Fodder for Your File
- Cyberlaw Encyclopedia - links web site
www.gahtan.com/cyberlaw/ (#990)
- large resource site for cyberlaw issues - maintained by Toronto lawyer Alan Gahtan ; I.T., I.P. and Electronic Commerce Legal Portal™ ; topics include: Advertising and Promotion ; Biotechnology ; Censorship and Free Press ; Competition Law ; Computer Contracts ; Confidentiality ; Consumer Protection ; Copyright Law ; Courses and Seminars ; Criminal Law ; Cryptography and Export Controls ; Defamation ; Domain Names ; Electronic Commerce ; Electronic Evidence ; Electronic Money including Electronic Payment Systems Escrow ; Fraud ; Government ; Industrial Design ; Internet Gambling ; Internet and Online Banking ; Journals and Newsletters ; Junk E-mail and Spamming ; Jurisdiction ; Legal Technology ; Misc ; Multimedia ; News ; Organizations ; Other Resources ; Patents ; Privacy ; Publications ; Regulation of Cyberspace ; Securities Law ; Support; Law Firms, Agents, Associations ; Tax ; Telecommunications and Broadcasting ; Trade-Marks ; Trade Secrets ; Web Site Development ; Web Site Hosting ; Workplace Issues ; Year 2000 ; y2k
- SEC - Disclosure of Year 2000 Issues
www.sec.gov/rules/concept/33-7558.htm (#592)
- Disclosure of Year 2000 Issues and Consequences by Public Companies, Investment Advisers, Investment Companies, and Municipal Securities Issuers - from the Securities Exchange Commission (U.S.)
Articling information for law students:
- LexisNexis® Quicklaw®
www.lexisnexis.ca/en-ca/products/quicklaw-full-service.page (#191)British Columbia, Canada:
- Edwards, Kenny & Bray
www.ekb.com (#3544)Ontario, Canada:
- Harrison Pensa LLP
www.harrisonpensa.com (#3269)
- Canadian IT Law Association / L'Association canadienne du droit des technologies
www.it-can.ca (#4059)- Canadian Society for the Advancement of Legal Technology
www.csalt.on.ca (#122)
- CSALT offers news and information about legal office technology that is specifically aimed at Canadian lawyers.
- The Canadian IT Law Association
www.it-can.ca (#352)Alberta, Canada:
- Canadian IT Law Association / L'Association canadienne du droit des technologies
www.it-can.ca (#4059)- Canadian Society for the Advancement of Legal Technology
www.csalt.on.ca (#122)
- CSALT offers news and information about legal office technology that is specifically aimed at Canadian lawyers.
British Columbia, Canada:
- Canadian IT Law Association / L'Association canadienne du droit des technologies
www.it-can.ca (#4059)- Canadian Society for the Advancement of Legal Technology
www.csalt.on.ca (#122)
- CSALT offers news and information about legal office technology that is specifically aimed at Canadian lawyers.
Manitoba, Canada:
- Canadian IT Law Association / L'Association canadienne du droit des technologies
www.it-can.ca (#4059)- Canadian Society for the Advancement of Legal Technology
www.csalt.on.ca (#122)
- CSALT offers news and information about legal office technology that is specifically aimed at Canadian lawyers.
New Brunswick, Canada:
- Canadian IT Law Association / L'Association canadienne du droit des technologies
www.it-can.ca (#4059)- Canadian Society for the Advancement of Legal Technology
www.csalt.on.ca (#122)
- CSALT offers news and information about legal office technology that is specifically aimed at Canadian lawyers.
Newfoundland, Canada:
- Canadian IT Law Association / L'Association canadienne du droit des technologies
www.it-can.ca (#4059)- Canadian Society for the Advancement of Legal Technology
www.csalt.on.ca (#122)
- CSALT offers news and information about legal office technology that is specifically aimed at Canadian lawyers.
Northwest Territories, Canada:
- Canadian IT Law Association / L'Association canadienne du droit des technologies
www.it-can.ca (#4059)- Canadian Society for the Advancement of Legal Technology
www.csalt.on.ca (#122)
- CSALT offers news and information about legal office technology that is specifically aimed at Canadian lawyers.
Nova Scotia, Canada:
- Canadian IT Law Association / L'Association canadienne du droit des technologies
www.it-can.ca (#4059)- Canadian Society for the Advancement of Legal Technology
www.csalt.on.ca (#122)
- CSALT offers news and information about legal office technology that is specifically aimed at Canadian lawyers.
Nunavut, Canada:
- Canadian IT Law Association / L'Association canadienne du droit des technologies
www.it-can.ca (#4059)- Canadian Society for the Advancement of Legal Technology
www.csalt.on.ca (#122)
- CSALT offers news and information about legal office technology that is specifically aimed at Canadian lawyers.
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