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Criminal / quasi-criminal:

Articles/newsletters from law firms - index pages only:

British Columbia, Canada:

  1. Pushor Mitchell (#3271)

Ontario, Canada:

  1. Legal Topics - from Kenneth W. Golish (#3525)
    Selected legal information and references to US and Canadian law

  2. Pesonal Injury Articles (#4380)
    articles from from the law firm of Dueck, Sauer, Jutzi & Noll (; Topics include: Car Accidents; Wrongful Death; Sexual Assault; Negligence Claims; Defamation; Slip and Fall Accidents; Dog Bites; Contract Disputes; Disability Insurance; Wrongful Dismissal

  3. Publications from law firm of Chowns, Cairns (#1166)
    articles on a variety of topics


  1. Legal Topics - from Kenneth W. Golish (#3525)
    Selected legal information and references to US and Canadian law

Articles/newsletters from others:


  1. Abortion Law in Canada (#1364)
    brief article - material prepared by Lloyd Duhaime, Barrister & Solicitor, of Victoria, B.C., at various dates throughout 1996 and 1997

  2. Answers to Frequently Asked Questions About Pardons. (#4275)
    From the website

  3. Articles of Various Criminal Law Topics (#315)
    Information about criminal law issues including: Arrest and Charge; Bail; Pleas: Guilty or Not Guilty; Remand Court; Elections and Preliminary Inquiries; The Trial; Important Principles in Criminal Trials; The Jury; Sentencing; Appeals; Pardons; Young Offenders; Police and the People: Your Rights on the Street; Search and Seizure; The Jury; Capacity and Fitness to Stand Trial; The "Defence" of Mental Disorder

  4. Canada's Court System (#1034)

  5. Canada's Criminal Code: A History (#1353)

  6. Canada's Criminal Law: Stalking (#1361)

  7. Canada's System of Justice (#1040)
    article on What is the Law, Sources of Canadian Law, The Law in Action, The Citizen and the Law, The Future of Law in Canada - published by the Department of Justice, Canada

  8. Canadian Criminal Law - Preferred Indictment (#1360)

  9. Canadian Internet Law Resource Page (#351)
    Detailed site covering a broad range of topics relating to internet law in Canada; includes information on case law, legislation, government reports, conferences, and other resources. Topics include: Anonymity; Banking; Consumer Protection; Criminal; Cryptography; Dispute Resolution; Domain Names; Electronic Commerce; Free Speech; General Internet; Government Regulation; Health Care; Intellectual Property; Jurisdiction; Labour and Workplace; Privacy; Securities; Taxation; Torts; Unsolicited Email.

  10. Canadian Legal FAQs (#3764)
    general index page to a variety of topics; sponsored by the Alberta Law Foundation

  11. Child Abuse FAQs (#3775)
    answers to a variety of frequently asked questions; sponsored by the Department of Justice Canada.

  12. Crime Statistics (#1027)
    (from Statistics Canada)

  13. Criminal Code of Canada - General FAQs (#3770)
    answers to a variety of frequently asked questions; sponsored by the Alberta Law Foundation

  14. Criminal Code of Canada - Joyriding FAQs (#3772)
    answers to a variety of frequently asked questions; sponsored by the Alberta Law Foundation

  15. Criminal Code of Canada - Shoplifting FAQs (#3771)
    answers to a variety of frequently asked questions; sponsored by the Alberta Law Foundation

  16. Criminal Conviction Review (#1038)
    Criminal Conviction Review Process

  17. Cyberlaw Encyclopedia - links web site (#990)
    large resource site for cyberlaw issues - maintained by Toronto lawyer Alan Gahtan ; I.T., I.P. and Electronic Commerce Legal Portal™ ; topics include: Advertising and Promotion ; Biotechnology ; Censorship and Free Press ; Competition Law ; Computer Contracts ; Confidentiality ; Consumer Protection ; Copyright Law ; Courses and Seminars ; Criminal Law ; Cryptography and Export Controls ; Defamation ; Domain Names ; Electronic Commerce ; Electronic Evidence ; Electronic Money including Electronic Payment Systems Escrow ; Fraud ; Government ; Industrial Design ; Internet Gambling ; Internet and Online Banking ; Journals and Newsletters ; Junk E-mail and Spamming ; Jurisdiction ; Legal Technology ; Misc ; Multimedia ; News ; Organizations ; Other Resources ; Patents ; Privacy ; Publications ; Regulation of Cyberspace ; Securities Law ; Support; Law Firms, Agents, Associations ; Tax ; Telecommunications and Broadcasting ; Trade-Marks ; Trade Secrets ; Web Site Development ; Web Site Hosting ; Workplace Issues ; Year 2000 ; y2k

  18. Exploitation des enfants (#3777)
    Subventionné par le Ministère de la Justice du Canada.

  19. Family Violence - Legal Remedies (#1370)
    brief article - contents: Spousal Abuse - Child Abuse.

  20. Federal Prosecution Service Deskbook (#1031)
    full text of the policy manual from the Justice department

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